[pgrouting-dev] algorithm allowing negative edge costs

Haumann Simon haumanns at student.ethz.ch
Thu Dec 1 05:56:47 PST 2016


for a project in the course of my master thesis, I use pgRouting to find the route with least energy consumption for e-bikes. Accordingly, my model calculates the energy consumption (Wh) which is implemented as cost factor. Due to recuperation, I have several negative edge costs. Therefore, I need an algorithm which takes this circumstance into concideration. Unfortunetly, the appropriate single source shortest path (SSSP) algorithm (Bellman-Ford) is not yet part of pgRouting ( http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/master/libs/graph/doc/bellman_ford_shortest.html ). Previous enquiries ( http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/pgrouting-users/2013-July/001589.html ) did not solve that problem.

Do you have any recommendation how to deal with this kind of matter?

Possible approaches:

- Anyone who created a beta version / pgRouting-command of the above mentioned Bellman-Ford?
- altering existing all pairs algorithms (johnson's, floyd warshall) which theoretically allow scattered negative edge costs (in pgRouting too?) to SSSP like dijkstra
- idea for a workaround (e.g. adapting the cost calculating model so there are no negative edges no more)
- another develompment tool / framework that runs Belman Ford?

Thanks for your help!
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