[pgrouting-dev] [GSoC] Report - Flow algorithms for pgRouting - Week 9

Andrea Nardelli nrd.nardelli at gmail.com
Sun Jul 24 11:43:00 PDT 2016

Hi all,

I am working on the implementation of maximum flow algorithms and their
applications for pgRouting during the GSoC 2016. This is my eigth report.
1) What did you get done this week?

This week I started studying the algorithm in the paper I linked last week.
It is quite complicated and requires knowledge of a lot of other algorithms
(it is made up of different sub-algorithms with better complexities it can
fall back to). I started prototyping these in Python.
For the rest of the week I implemented a way for the edge_disjoint_paths
function to actually return the paths and not just their number.

2) What do you plan on doing next week?

Next week I plan to do several things:
 - Continue studying additional max_flow implementations.
 - Finish up all the possible signatures for the new edge_disjoint_paths
 - While working this week, I realized that there are a lot of small things
I can add and improve through the codebase, in regards to both
functionality and efficiency.

3) Are you blocked on anything?


You can check the branch I'm working on here:


Best regards,
Andrea Nardelli
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