<p>I am J Kishore kumar, an undergraduate student from Chennai, India. I am an opensource enthusiast and am part of the developer team of <a href="http://busroutes.in">busroutes.in</a>[1][2] which is an ongoing project using openstreetmap and postgis. I am eager to participate in GSoC. I looked at the source code of pgrouting and osm2pgrouting for last couple of days familiarising myself with the software structure, functionalities and editing pieces of it[3].( and a growing impulse to use pgrouting in the <a href="http://busroutes.in">busroutes.in</a> project).</p>
<p>I would like to implement the public transport related aspects in pgrouting(like changeovers and identifying different modes of travel) as a GSoC project. Is it possible to discuss about this on an IRC channel(#pgrouting)? I will try to draft a schedule and share it soon. Please let me know what you think about it.</p>
<p>Thanks & Regards,<br>
J Kishore kumar.<br>
<a href="http://jkk-2010.blogspot.com">http://jkk-2010.blogspot.com</a></p>
<p>[1] - <a href="http://busroutes.in">http://busroutes.in</a><br>
[2] - <a href="http://busroutes.in/wiki">http://busroutes.in/wiki</a><br>
[3] - <a href="http://github.com/justjkk/osm2pgrouting">http://github.com/justjkk/osm2pgrouting</a></p>