Hi,<br><br>It really is possible now to take away CGAL from pgRouting since st_concavehull of PostGIS 2 can create the same alpha shape. I have already managed to compile diriving-dist without CGAL installed by modifying the cmake files and drivedist.c. <br>
<br>I used this:<br><br>select st_concavehull(st_collect(<br> st_geomfromewkt('srid=4326;POINT('||x1||' '||y1||')')),0.7) from jp_2po_4pgr,<br> driving_distance('SELECT id,source,target,cost,reverse_cost from jp_2po_4pgr <br>
where st_contains(ST_GeomFromEWKT(''SRID=4326;POLYGON((139 35,139 36,140 36,140 35,139 35))''),<br> the_geom) = true',156598,0.07,false,false) where id = edge_id;<br><br>to create the drive time polygon in the attached screen dump. The performance isn't so bad even with a 0.7 target percent parameter for the concave hull.<br>
<br>I am planning to clean up routing_dd.sql and routing_dd_wrapper.sql and start using the newer st_* postgis functions. <br><br>Will there be any objections if I move routing_dd into core instead of extra since it will now only use BOOST to compile.<br>
<br>Mario.<br> <br><br>