<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Hi All,<br><br></div>Here is my 11th weekly report :<br><br><i><b>### What did i do this week ?</b></i><br>* I tested the optimizer for some benchmark test cases [<a href="http://web.cba.neu.edu/~msolomon/problems.htm](http://web.cba.neu.edu/~msolomon/problems.htm).This">http://web.cba.neu.edu/~msolomon/problems.htm](http://web.cba.neu.edu/~msolomon/problems.htm).This</a> was mentioned in the previous to do list so i tried out some of the test cases and compared my tabu search results with the available benchmark results for the same test cases.<br>
<i><b><br>### What will I be working on next week?</b></i><br>* As discussed with my mentors , we agreed on testing and improving the optimizer further so for this week, i will try swapping (or removing-inserting) two or three orders at a time. The focus will be on closing the gap between my solution and the benchmark solution.<br>
<i><b><br>### Did I meet with any stumbling blocks?</b></i><br>* No<br><br><br><div>Link to weekly report :<a href="https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-2014-Mukul-Priya-R11">https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-2014-Mukul-Priya-R11</a><br>
<br></div>Link to code repository :<a href="https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/tree/gsoc-cvrptw" target="_blank">https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/tree/gsoc-cvrptw</a><br><br><br></div>Thanks <br></div>Mukul <br>