[pgrouting-users] Working with Driving Distance

Roger André randre at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 00:12:16 EST 2010

Ok, so I would take the vertex_id's returned from the function, retrieve
their geometries, and then pass the list of geometries into the PostGIS
concave hull function.

Got it.


On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 8:51 PM, Daniel Kastl <daniel at georepublic.de> wrote:

> Hi Roger,
> You could also try to use PostGIS to calculate concave hull function:
> http://postgis.org/documentation/manual-svn/ST_ConcaveHull.html
> When driving_distance function was written some time ago this function
> wasn't written yet in PostGIS (or wasn't very fast, I don't rmember exactly
> the reason, why CGAL was chosen). Nevertheless it would be nice to get rid
> of CGAL dependency and use the PostGIS function instead. Just nobody has
> done this yet ;-)
> So you could take the query as in your first email and take the geometry of
> the list of vertices as input for the concave hull function.
> Daniel
> <http://postgis.org/documentation/manual-svn/ST_ConcaveHull.html>
> 2010/12/22 Daniel Kastl <daniel at georepublic.de>
> Hi Roger,
>> What OS do you use?
>> I haven't run Driving Distance function for a while and recently upgraded
>> to a newer version of Ubuntu.
>> In my case it says: ERROR:  function alphashape(unknown) does not exist
>> Might be that something has changed there with the dependent library
>> (CGAL), which is used to calculate the polygon.
>> I can't remember there was a problem in the past.
>> Daniel
>> 2010/12/22 Roger André <randre at gmail.com>
>>> Ok, so using what I think is the correct SQL syntax, I get a different
>>> sort of error:
>>> eligibility=# SELECT the_geom FROM driving_distance('edges', 2512140,
>>> 7040129, 2000, 'length', 'length', false, false);
>>> NOTICE:  SRID: 2276
>>> NOTICE:  Query: SELECT gid, the_geom FROM points_as_polygon('SELECT
>>> a.vertex_id::integer AS id, b.x1::double precision AS x, b.y1::double
>>> precision AS y FROM driving_distance(''''SELECT gid AS
>>> id,source::integer,target::integer, length::double precision AS cost,
>>> length::double precision as reverse_cost FROM edges WHERE
>>> setsrid(''''''''BOX3D(2510140 7038129, 2514140 7042129)''''''''::BOX3D,
>>> 2276) && the_geom  '''', (SELECT id FROM
>>> find_node_by_nearest_link_within_distance(''''POINT(2512140
>>> 7040129)'''',200,''''edges'''')),2000,true,true) a, (SELECT * FROM edges
>>> WHERE setsrid(''''BOX3D(2510140 7038129, 2514140 7042129)''''::BOX3D,
>>> 2276)&&the_geom) b WHERE a.vertex_id = b.source')
>>> ERROR:  function find_node_by_nearest_link_within_distance(unknown,
>>> integer, unknown) does not exist
>>> LINE 1: ...)''::BOX3D, 2276) && the_geom  ', (SELECT id FROM
>>> find_node_...
>>>                                                              ^
>>> HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might
>>> need to add explicit type casts.
>>> QUERY:  SELECT a.vertex_id::integer AS id, b.x1::double precision AS x,
>>> b.y1::double precision AS y FROM driving_distance('SELECT gid AS
>>> id,source::integer,target::integer, length::double precision AS cost,
>>> length::double precision as reverse_cost FROM edges WHERE
>>> setsrid(''BOX3D(2510140 7038129, 2514140 7042129)''::BOX3D, 2276) &&
>>> the_geom  ', (SELECT id FROM
>>> find_node_by_nearest_link_within_distance('POINT(2512140
>>> 7040129)',200,'edges')),2000,true,true) a, (SELECT * FROM edges WHERE
>>> setsrid('BOX3D(2510140 7038129, 2514140 7042129)'::BOX3D, 2276)&&the_geom) b
>>> WHERE a.vertex_id = b.source
>>> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "points_as_polygon" line 17 at FOR over
>>> EXECUTE statement
>>> PL/pgSQL function "driving_distance" line 25 at FOR over EXECUTE
>>> statement
>>> Still puzzling this one out.
>>> --
>>> On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 7:55 PM, Roger André <randre at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Daniel,
>>>> Thanks for your reply.  I checked, and it appears that I have that
>>>> wrapper function installed.  Here is what my pgrouting install dir looks
>>>> like:
>>>> $ pwd
>>>> /usr/local/pgrouting-1.05/extra/driving_distance/sql
>>>> $ ll
>>>> total 36
>>>> drwxr-xr-x 3 15036 users 4096 2010-12-21 15:58 ./
>>>> drwxr-xr-x 5 15036 users 4096 2010-12-21 15:58 ../
>>>> drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root  4096 2010-12-21 15:58 CMakeFiles/
>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  1811 2010-12-21 15:58 cmake_install.cmake
>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 15036 users  134 2010-11-16 18:42 CMakeLists.txt
>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  5540 2010-12-21 15:58 Makefile
>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 15036 users 1757 2010-11-16 18:42 routing_dd.sql
>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 15036 users 3790 2010-11-16 18:42 routing_dd_wrappers.sql
>>>> And I did make sure to run both SQL files against the database my roads
>>>> are stored in.
>>>>   482  psql -d eligibility -f routing_dd.sql
>>>>   483  psql -d eligibility -f routing_dd_wrappers.sql
>>>>   490  psql -d eligibility -f routing_tsp.sql
>>>>   491  psql -d eligibility -f routing_tsp_wrappers.sql
>>>> I will review your usage instructions and see if I'm missing anything.
>>>> Roger
>>>> --
>>>> On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 5:51 PM, Daniel Kastl <daniel at georepublic.de>wrote:
>>>>> Hi Roger,
>>>>> You're using the "core" function, I think.
>>>>> You could use the driving_distance wrapper function, which will return
>>>>> you a polyogon.
>>>>> For that you need to load this SQL:
>>>>> https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/blob/master/extra/driving_distance/sql/routing_dd_wrappers.sql
>>>>> You can also find it in the directory where the other pgRouting SQL
>>>>> files are.
>>>>> The function will take these parameters then:
>>>>> driving_distance(table_name varchar, x double precision, y double
>>>>> precision,
>>>>>         distance double precision, cost varchar, reverse_cost varchar,
>>>>> directed boolean, has_reverse_cost boolean)
>>>>> X,Y are the coordinates you take as a center point.
>>>>> You can take the returned polygon then and do other spatial queries.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>> 2010/12/22 Roger André <randre at gmail.com>
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> I need to generate some maps that show all of the road segments that
>>>>>> are within a certain distance of specific points.  I have been able to
>>>>>> generate some answers using the driving_distance function, but am not sure
>>>>>> what to do with them.  Here's what I get:
>>>>>> # SELECT * FROM driving_distance('SELECT gid AS id, source, target,
>>>>>> length::double precision AS cost FROM edges',49,2000,false,false);
>>>>>>  vertex_id | edge_id |       cost
>>>>>> -----------+---------+------------------
>>>>>>         15 |       9 | 1854.34547361565
>>>>>>         20 |     104 | 1549.85630678904
>>>>>>         22 |      68 | 858.367668935802
>>>>>>         23 |     125 | 1466.02479201359
>>>>>>         24 |      75 | 801.137871846872
>>>>>>         25 |     125 | 1169.02817170106
>>>>>>         26 |     106 | 1296.98197602289
>>>>>>         48 |      71 | 902.595810873304
>>>>>>         49 |     106 |                0
>>>>>>         51 |      74 | 1948.07551810288
>>>>>>         52 |      75 | 1620.93404864578
>>>>>> (11 rows)
>>>>>> These answers seem legit, but I'm not sure what to do with them.
>>>>>> Ultimately, I need to show both the minimum enclosing polygon that
>>>>>> "surrounds" all of the road segments, as well as the road segments
>>>>>> themselves.  Can someone please give me some pointers as to what I can do to
>>>>>> accomplish this?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Roger
>>>>>> --
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
>>>>> eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
>>>>> Web: http://georepublic.de
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>> --
>> Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
>> eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
>> Web: http://georepublic.de
> --
> Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
> eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
> Web: http://georepublic.de
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