[pgrouting-users] pgRouting dijkstra (points and lines)

dy32 mutQ dmutq at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 12 03:21:40 EDT 2011

hello all, 
I have a question, how can I get the shortest path with dijkstra algorithm on a map but additionally have another layer or points of interest files from the map.
I set up pgrouting from http://www.utdallas.edu/~ama054000/rt_tutorial.html

for example: I have two layers, hotel (points) and road (polylines)
>From hotel A (start point) to hotel B (end point) I can get road 2,3,4

there is any way to integrate these two files (point and line) into one so that for the calculations. In other words, how can I connect two tables, road and hotel to get dijkstra result?

Thanks for your answers
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