I'm currently getting a puzzling crash from pgRouting which reliably takes the entire Postgres server down with it!<br><br>I'm calling pgRouting using Psycopg from Python. My Python code has some fancy multi-processor code, so I've managed to isolate the problem using just the psql command line program.<br>
The crash messages were not very informative, so I've also managed to track down all the Postgres logging switches and switched everything on - or all that I can find. I can forward the resulting log file if anyone is interested, but it is a bit big to post to a public listserver.<br>
<br>There's a lot of what I assume is tracing through pgRouting, followed by:<br><br>------8<-----8<----<br>2011-01-30 20:05:29 CST CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT gid as id, source::integer, target::integer, length::double precision as cost FROM view_topo where setSRID('BOX3D(145.6460916 -8.1986466,150.5752148 -5.2633439)'::BOX3D, 4326) && the_geom"<br>
PL/pgSQL function "dijkstra_sp_delta_directed" line 110 at FOR over EXECUTE statement<br> PL/pgSQL function "dijkstra_sp_delta" line 18 at FOR over EXECUTE statement<br>2011-01-30 20:05:29 CST LOCATION: elog_node_display, .\src\backend\nodes\print.c:85<br>
2011-01-30 20:05:29 CST STATEMENT: select sum(ST_Length( geography( ST_Transform(the_geom, 4326))) ) AS LENGTH FROM dijkstra_sp_delta('view_topo', 2429451, 2475147, 1.0);<br><br><br>This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.<br>
Please contact the application's support team for more information.<br>---------8<------8<-------<br><br>Then what looks to be recovery logging.<br><br><br>The SELECT statement that causes this is logged as:<br>
2011-01-30 20:04:57 CST STATEMENT: select sum(ST_Length( geography( ST_Transform(the_geom, 4326))) ) AS LENGTH FROM dijkstra_sp_delta('view_topo', 2429451, 2475147, 1.0);<br><br><br>Nodes 2429451 and 2475147 both exist in view_topo - I've checked.<br>
The database is the OSM planet.osm file, imported with osm2po. The above two nodes are in Papua New Guinea. Initial (limited) tests with the UK are fine; Guam is completely fine; but New Zealand and PG cause this crash - haven't tried anywhere else yet.<br>
<br>I've already tried the above query with non-routable routes in the UK (eg. from England to Belfast), and those have behaved as expected with zero rows returned. So this isn't the problem.<br><br>My system details:<br>
<br>Windows 7 x32<br>Postgres 8.4<br>PostGIS 1.5<br>I'm having trouble determining my pgRouting version, but routing_core_wrappers.sql has a "last changes" date of 14/02/2008<br><br>Yes I'm using mainly older versions, but I am forced to do this due to availability of pre-built versions. Eg. PostGIS does not have a 64 bit version; and the general lack of later Windows builds of pgRouting.<br>
<br><br>Has anyone seen anything like this before?<br>Any thoughts as to what the problem might be?<br>It seems pretty bad if it can bring the entire server down with it...<br><br>Thanks in advance,<br><br>Richard Marsden<br>