[osgeo-ph] PhilGEOS 2012 FOSS4G pre-symposium workshop topics and leads

maning sambale emmanuel.sambale at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 02:31:43 PDT 2012

Dear everyone,

OSGeo-PH were given a full day slot to conduct FOSS4G workshops as a
pre-event to the PhilGEOS 2012 symposium. The workshop will be on Nov
22, 2012 at the UPD-GE Labs.  I've talked to some people to handle
some workshop topics.  If anyone is willing to lead or assist in any
of the workshop, please add your name and topic in the wiki.

Note that the initial topics are not final.  It will largely depend to
the availability of the facilitators.  We also need people to assist
in the preparation of the exhibit materials.

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/

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