[Portugal] New WPS release

Artur Gil arturfreiregil at yahoo.com.br
Wed Jan 21 06:07:58 EST 2009

----- Mensagem encaminhada ----
De: Carlos Granell Canut 
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 21 de Janeiro de 2009 7:25:34
Assunto: [Fwd: New WPS release!]

Hola a todos,

Se acaba de hacer pública la versión del 2 del 52N WPS framework (ver abajo). Como novedad interesante es la integración con Sextante, haciendo disponible todos los algoritmos "desktop" de Sextante como servicios distribuidos siguiendo la interfaz WPS. Un buen ejemplo de convergencia de dos proyectos FOSS


***Sorry for any crosspostings***

The 52°North Geoprocessing Community is proud to announce the release of
the Web Processing Service Version 2.0! This new release contains the
following changes and extensions:

    * *Sextante (http://www.sextantegis.com/en/index.htm) processes
      integration*: the current 52N WPS now provides more than 220
      Sextante geoalgorithms
      <http://forge.osor.eu/plugins/wiki/index.php?id=13&type=g>) as
      real WPS processes. Sextante support can easily be
      enabled/disabled and does not hinder custom developments of
      individual processes.
    * *GRID support*: any existing process or algorithm can be reused
      and distributed in the grid for parallel execution. This release
      enables the user to easily outsource geoprocessing tasks to an
      external data processing center. It fully supports the widely
      adopted UNICORE 6 grid middleware. In addition, it is possible to
      support other grid middlewares (e.g. Globus Tookit 4). No
      administrative access to the grid infrastrucutre is necessary,
      only a valid certificate for accessing the target system is required.
    * i*nternal architecture redesign* with new flexible bindings of
      different internal datastructures (e.g. Geotools Datamodel)
    * *support for (very large) rasters*
    * *new Geotiff parser and generator*
    * i*mproved asychronous datahandling + download of stored files*
    * *several bugfixes*
    * *extended Tutorial*: it guides the user through the process of
      setting up the 52N WPS, creating a new process, as well as
      executing and exporting the process. * *

The 52N Web Processing Service enables the deployment of geo-processes
on the web. It features a pluggable architecture for processes and data
encodings. The implementation is based on the current OpenGIS
specification: 05-007r7.

download tutorial here:

download binary distribution here:

browse the sources in our svn repository here:

test instances can be invoked here:

more information can be found here:


Dipl.-Geogr. Ann Hitchcock
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Münster

Geschäftsführer: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Amtsgericht Münster HRB 10849

Tel.: +49 (0)251 74 74- 520
Fax: +49 (0)251 74 74- 530

hitchcock  52north.org

-- Carlos Granell
Centro de Visualización Interactiva (CeVI): http://www.cevi.uji.es
Geographic Information research group: http://www.geoinfo.uji.es
Department of Information Systems (LSI)
Universitat Jaume I, Avda. de Vicente Sos Baynat s/n
E-12071, Castellón, Spain
mailto: carlos.granell  uji.es

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