[Portugal] E que tal um case-study baseado em GFOSS? - CFC: Discovery of Geospatial Resources: Methodologies, Technologies, and Emergent Applications

Artur Gil arturfreiregil at yahoo.com.br
Thu Jul 22 07:37:41 EDT 2010

E que tal um (ou vários) case-study baseado em GFOSS?


Proposal Submission Deadline: September 3, 2010
Discovery of Geospatial Resources: Methodologies, Technologies, and Emergent 
A book edited by Dr. Laura Díaz, Dr. Carlos Granell and Dr. Joaquín Huerta
University Jaume I of Castellón, Spain

Published by IGI Global:


Information Systems built using standard-based distributed services have become 
the default computing paradigm adopted by the geospatial community to build 
Geospatial Information Infrastructures. This has increased the number of data 
resources, services and applications deployed in these infrastructures. Although 
these standard-based services and components increase interoperability the 
distribution of these resources make the task of discovery complex and arduous. 
There are many aspects to consider in order to improve the discovery of 
geospatial resources. First of all how to describe the resources, regarding 
which metadata elements, annotations or user tags and which formats to use to 
represent these descriptions. Second where to store these descriptions in terms 
of using catalogues services, registries or other distributed storages. Other 
aspects to consider are when the resource descriptions are created and /or 
modified and the mechanisms and engines to query and search. The efficiency of 
discovery is determinant to deploy successful applications in distributed 
environments where standard-based components allow users to share and reuse 
resources more effectively.  Therefore advantages of standard services and 
components, geospatial infrastructures discovery methodologies and other 
technologies should be investigated.

Objective of the Book

This book will aim to provide relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest 
empirical research findings in the area. It will be written for professionals 
who want to improve the understanding of geospatial discovery methodologies and 
technologies, that is, giving a complete overview of common problems and 
solutions to generate resource descriptions, mechanisms to register and search 
geospatial resources. This will provide professionals, interested in the 
development of distributed geospatial applications, techniques to design and 
deploy geospatial resources in Information Infrastructures to increase the 
interoperability and the visibility of these resources to maximize reusability.

Target Audience

The target audience of this book will be composed of professionals and 
researchers working in the field of geospatial information infrastructures, 
knowledge management and information integration in various disciplines, e.g. 
information and communication sciences, geospatial sciences like environment, 
urban planning, education and sociology and disaster management. Moreover, the 
book will provide insights and support decision makers concerned with the 
management of geospatial information.

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
?    Geospatial Information Infrastructure
?    Geospatial Web Service Registry and Discovery
?    Geospatial Metadata for Data and Services
?    Semantics, Formats, Tagging for Geospatial Resources Discovery
?    Classifications and Indexing of Geospatial Resources
?    Query Languages
?    User Interfaces for Geospatial Resources Discovery
?    Automatic Registration and Publication of Geospatial Resources
?    Automatic Extraction of metadata
?    Metadata for Integration and Composition of Geospatial Resources
?    Discovery and Integration of Geospatial Resources of VGI and Web 2.0 
?    Discovery and Integration of Geospatial Resources of the Linked Data space

Submission Procedure

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before September 3, 
2010, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of 
his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by 
September 15, 2010 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter 
guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by January 3, 2011. All 
submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors 
may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.


This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), 
publisher of the ?Information Science Reference? (formerly Idea Group 
Reference), ?Medical Information Science Reference,? ?Business Science 
Reference,? and ?Engineering Science Reference? imprints. For additional 
information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com. This 
publication is anticipated to be released in 2011.

Important Dates

September 3, 2010:    Proposal Submission Deadline
September 15, 2010:    Notification of Acceptance
January 3, 2011:    Full Chapter Submission
March 15, 2011:    Review Results Returned
May 15 2011:        Final Chapter Submission
July 1, 2011:        Final Deadline

Editorial Advisory Board Members:

Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document) or by 
mail to:
Dr. Laura Díaz
Institute of New Imaging Technologies
Tel.: +34964729078 ? Fax: +34964729078
E-mail: laura.diaz  uji.es

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