[Portugal] GeoNetwork opensource v2.6.4 Released

Hugo Martins hfpmartins at gmail.com
Wed May 18 12:16:25 EDT 2011

  Sent to you by Hugo Martins via Google Reader: GeoNetwork opensource
v2.6.4 Released via Slashgeo.org by Alex on 5/18/11

Via the OSGEo-Discuss list I learned about the release of GeoNetwork
opensource version 2.6.4: "This is a minor release that adds a number
of improvements and fixes a large number of bugs." Follow the link to
learn what's new and fixed.

Here's a reminder of what GeoNetwork opensource is, from its official
site: "GeoNetwork is a catalog application to manage spatially
referenced resources. It provides powerful metadata editing and search
functions as well as an embedded interactive web map viewer. It is
currently used in numerous Spatial Data Infrastructure initiatives
across the world."

You can visit the GeoNetwork gallery to learn more about who's using
it. We mentioned GeoNetwork several times in the past.
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