[Portugal] New QGIS 2.4 LAStools toolbox for LiDAR

Artur Gil arturgil gmail.com
Terça-Feira, 21 de Outubro de 2014 - 03:25:47 PDT

New QGIS 2.4 LAStools toolbox for LiDAR

Who wants to beta test the new and improved QGIS 2.4 LAStools toolbox
for LiDAR processing? It was created during the recent QGIS (Quantum
GIS ) hackfest in Essen in the lush green surroundings of the
Linuxhotel. Download:


Rename the current 'processing' (sub-)folder of your QGIS install that
is located here:

C:/Program Files/QGIS Chugiak/apps/qgis/python/plugins/processing

to something like this:

C:/Program Files/QGIS Chugiak/apps/qgis/python/plugins/processing_org

and then put the contents of the downloaded QGIS_2_4_toolbox.zip ZIP
archive - which contains a folder called 'processing' - in the place
of the folder that was just renamed. If you have trouble there is some
more information here:


how to install LAStools toolbox in QGIS rapidlasso.com

We had an ArcGIS LiDAR processing toolbox since April 2012 and now we
have one for QGIS as well. It has been tested successfully with QGIS
1.8.0-Lisboa, 2.0.1-Dufour, 2.2.0-Valmiera, and 2.4.0-Chug...

Martin Isenburg
Computer Scientist, LiDAR Consultant, Point and Triangle Compressor,
Massive Data Processor, Common Sense Extractor

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