<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">(via MapGuide mailing list)<br><br><br><blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"><br><div class="plainMail">Folks,<br><br>My eyes went wide open when someone said that ESRI and ERDAS are<br>participating in FOSS4G open WMS shootout or performance benchmarking.<br>Knowing these two companies for the last 15 years, I just couldnt<br>digest the fact. Well, things have changed ... thats what I thought.<br><br>Then someone in the list wrote that Erdas is not participating.. Ah..<br>there comes the truth, I thought.. things cant be so much different.<br>They can never tell you what the performance numbers but they have all<br>the energy to tell the world that they are the fastest on earth<br>(truly, thats what they claim). Thats like telling someone I have the<br>fastest car on earth but will not tell you at
what speed it goes or<br>what millage it gives (in very very very tiny letters.. it say when<br>you fix a rocket engine!!!). They have the budget to fool people but<br>not to do the test and tell the numbers. Their WMS is not better than<br>anyone else.<br><br>Then our big brother, ESRI. I was hoping to see them at FOSS4G<br>presentation here. Just now my colleague said that ESRI dropped out<br>due to resource problem. Fantastic.. typical esri approach... take you<br>to a point where you cant do anything and drop the bomb shell. There<br>are 10,000 guys with that company and they have resource problem !!!!!<br>Their person Sakish wrote to the list that they will participate in<br>CCIP but not WMS.. how sweet. You want the fact? They saw the results<br>of Geoserver and Mapserver and realized that ArcGIS server cant come<br>close to that number.. so drop out... very simple... tell what every<br>you feel like.. because everyone in the gis community is dumb
and<br>fool. They had installed the software to the machine, done<br>everything.. but when it comes to doing the actual test that takes<br>only 10 hrs in total.. they have resource problem !!!!!, thats after<br>seeing GS and MS number... not before that. If you want to be<br>competitive, then no company on earth has resource problem.<br><br><br>Folks, wake up. If you see these guys, just shoot a point blank<br>question at them. Ask for the truth. All what we want is the<br>performance numbers, is this something difficult ? Dont we have the<br>the right to know the performance before investing money in the<br>software?<br><br>In most cases, we have the responsibility of recommending the software<br>for agencies .. why should one take the risk?<br><br><br>-- <br>Bruce<br><br>NSW, Australia<br>_______________________________________________<br><br></div></blockquote></td></tr></table><br>