<p class="style3">TypeBrewer: A Map Design Help Tool for Selecting
Typography </p>
<p class="style2">TypeBrewer is a free help tool that gives
non-specialist mapmakers a chance to explore typography in a
semi-structured environment. It is not mapmaking software. Instead of
providing the functionality of a graphic design program or GIS,
TypeBrewer offers a quick and easy way to explore typographic
alternatives and see the impact that various elements of type have on
the overall look and feel of a map. TypeBrewer is designed for
mapmakers who want to learn more about map typography and get practical
design specifications for starting a map project.</p> <p class="style2">TypeBrewer templates are based on sound typographic and
cartographic principles, as well as best professional practices. They
can be applied to a wide range of possible projects:</p>
<p class="style2">To use TypeBrewer, you'll need the <a href="http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/" target="_blank">Adobe
Flash Player</a>, version 8 or higher. </p><br><a href="http://www.typebrewer.org/typebrewer.html">http://www.typebrewer.org/typebrewer.html</a><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><a href="http://thusbeginstheweb.blogspot.com/">http://thusbeginstheweb.blogspot.com/</a><br>