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<div style="padding: 4px; background-color: #c3d9ff;"><h3 style="margin:0px 3px;font-family:sans-serif">Sent to you by Hugo Martins via Google Reader:</h3></div>
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<div style="font-family:sans-serif;overflow:auto;width:100%;margin: 0px 10px"><h2 style="margin: 0.25em 0 0 0"><div class=""><a href="http://geoext.blogspot.com/2012/05/hello-geoext-2-geoext-meets-ext-js-4.html">Hello GeoExt 2 - GeoExt meets Ext JS 4</a></div></h2>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0.5em">via <a href="http://geoext.blogspot.com/" class="f">GeoExt</a> by Andreas on 5/7/12</div><br style="display:none">
<h2>GeoExt 2 Code Sprint</h2>This week is an important week in the history of GeoExt: Developers from Austria, Canada, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States have gathered in Bonn (Germany) for a <a href="https://github.com/geoext/geoext2/wiki/GeoExt-2-Code-Sprint">code sprint</a> to work on GeoExt Version 2, which will be based <a href="http://sencha.com/">Sencha</a>'s <a href="http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/">Ext JS 4</a> framework.<br><br>The sprint is a joint effort of <a href="http://terrestris.de/">terrestris</a>, <a href="http://mapgears.com/">Mapgears</a>, <a href="http://camptocamp.com/">Camptocamp</a> and <a href="http://opengeo.org/">OpenGeo</a>, and is accompanied by developers from <a href="http://www.occamlabs.de/">Occam Labs</a> and <a href="http://www.m-click.de/">m-click</a>.<br><br>Other than with many code sprints where only the sprint venue and food are covered by sponsors, the following sponsors generously provided enough funds to cover travel, accommodation and a significant share of the development costs:<br><br><br><ul><li>University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment</li><li>Swisstopo</li><li>David Bitner, Metropolitan Airports Commission</li><li>The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers</li><li>Jacob Westfall</li><li>SYNCADD</li><li>Mettenmeier GmbH Utility Solutions</li><li>FOSSGIS e.V.</li><li>Felix Reichert und Partner</li><li>landplan Büro für Landschaftsgestaltung</li></ul><br><h2>Day 1 - Getting Started</h2><div>14 developers participated today, one of them remotely via IRC. The goal was to get up to speed with Ext JS 4, and to port some of the existing examples to the new GeoExt 2 code and GeoExt 4.</div><div><br></div><br><br><i>Hello World in GeoExt 2</i><br><br>The above live example shows a basic MapPanel - one of the achievements of efforts. In particular, the following tasks were worked on by the developers:<br><br><ul><li>Alexandre Dubé, Mapgears: work on the testing framework; updated unit tests; various small fixes.</li><li>Andreas Hocevar, OpenGeo: set up live examples and API docs; investigated how the tree components can be ported.</li><li>Andreas Schmitz, Occam Labs: used JSDuck to parse the API doc comments, and achieved a <a href="http://geoext.github.com/geoext2/docs/index.html">nice result</a>.</li><li>Bart van den Eijnden, OpenGeo: ported the <a href="http://geoext.github.com/geoext2/examples/legendpanel/legendpanel.html">LegendPanel</a>.</li><li>Christian Mayer, terrestris: ported the <a href="http://geoext.github.com/geoext2/examples/popup/popup.html">Popup</a>.</li><li>Éric Lemoine, Camptocamp: worked with Marc on the MapPanel; paired with Alexandre on the test framework.</li><li>François Van Der Biest, Camptocamp: shared an <a href="http://qualitystreetmap.org/~fvanderbiest/slidy2/ext4-en.html">Ext 4 tutorial</a>; work on the examples; Ext autoloading in examples</li><li>Frédéric Junod, Camptocamp: Ext autloading for GeoExt 2; started on the FeatureGrid and an improved FeatureStore architecture.</li><li>Johannes Weskamm: ported the <a href="http://geoext.github.com/geoext2/examples/action/mappanel_with_actions.html">Action</a> component.</li><li>Julien-Samuel Lacroix, Mapgears: set up the sprint wiki and a wrote a git tutorial; work on the improving the LayerStore architecture.</li><li>Marc Jansen, terrestris: shared an initial set of GeoExt 2 components from a previous code sprint; provided advice on Ext 4 to newbies.</li><li>Matt Priour: LayerStore architecture improvements; provided guidance on Ext 4.</li><li>Stéphane Brunner, Camptocamp: example improvements, work on the PrintPanel.</li><li>Volker Grabsch: our contributor from Berlin, helped with autoloading.</li></ul><div><img width="1" height="1" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/7395816038739857378-3493694222119341909?l=geoext.blogspot.com" alt=""></div></div>
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