[postgis-devel] GeomRound and GeomTrunc functions

Gino Lucrezi gino-postgisdevel at lucrezi.net
Fri Jul 2 02:10:12 PDT 2004

They are working, now.

In the end, I decided that these functions are only meant for simplifying display of points or structures, and not for further processing, so I haven't yet implemented any check on identical consecutive points and the such.

That would have involved more pointer handling than I liked, maybe I'll do it in the future.

I left a warning to that effect in the code.

I aree with strk's thoughts on the subject, though.

The number of digits might be negative: 
GeomRound( GeomFromText('POINT(358808.488 701948.639)',23033), -5 )
will result in POINT(400000 4700000), even though this is a rather extreme example.

Since the number of digits can't be too high, I used an int2 as parameter type, so I had to do some SQL type casting. I don't know if it's a good idea.
Also, I left this parameter optional (default value being 0), and I did the overloading in SQL; it might have been better to do it in the C code, I don't know.

Since this was my first attempt at hacking into PostGIS I didn't know what the standard practices are.

The code is shamelessly based on the translate function.

I am enclosing diffs with existing files, it's just a matter of adding a few functions.
If there is a better way to submit code, tell me. The server I develop on has no internet access, so I can't connect to a CVS server.

Gino Lucrezi
Penta Consulting Services

diff ./postgis_fn.c ../postgis-cvs-originale/postgis_fn.c
< //round geometry
< // rounds off all points in a geometry up to ndigits
< // WARNING: might generate invalid geometries.
< // It is only meant for simplifying display of points or structures.
< // Different points in a line or polygon might "collapse" into the same
< // coordinates. A possible improvement could be removing consecutive
< // points with the same coordinates, but lines and polygons might 
< // degenerate into single points.
< // Obviously, this function is not a OGC standard.
< // It was inspired by the SQL ROUND() function (which only works on scalar data)
< // ndigits might be negative: 
< // GeomRound( GeomFromText('POINT(358808.488 4701948.639)',23033), -5 )
< // will result in POINT(400000 4700000)
< // 2004/07/01 Gino Lucrezi (gino-pgsc at lucrezi.net)
< PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(geom_round);
< Datum geom_round(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
< {
<       GEOMETRY        *geom1;
<       int2            ndigits = PG_GETARG_INT16(1);
<       int32           *offsets1;
<       char            *o1;
<       int32           type,j,i;
<       POLYGON3D       *poly;
<       POINT3D         *point,*pts;
<       LINE3D          *line;
<       int             numb_points;
<       //make a copy of geom so we can return a new version
<       geom1 = (GEOMETRY *) palloc (geom->size);
<       memcpy(geom1, geom, geom->size);                        //Will handle SRID and grid
<       offsets1 = (int32 *) ( ((char *) &(geom1->objType[0] ))+ sizeof(int32) * geom1->nobjs ) ;
<       //now have to do a scan of each object
<       for (j=0; j< geom1->nobjs; j++)         //for each object in geom1
<       {
<               o1 = (char *) geom1 +offsets1[j] ;
<               type=  geom1->objType[j];
<               if (type == POINTTYPE)  //point
<               {
<                       point = (POINT3D *) o1;
<                       round_points(point, 1,ndigits);
<               }
<               if (type == LINETYPE)   //line
<               {
<                       line = (LINE3D *) o1;
<                       round_points(&(line->points[0]), line->npoints,ndigits);
<               }
<               if (type == POLYGONTYPE)        //POLYGON
<               {
<                       poly = (POLYGON3D *) o1;
<                       //find where the points are and where to put them
<                       numb_points =0;
<                       for (i=0; i<poly->nrings;i++)
<                       {
<                               numb_points += poly->npoints[i];
<                       }
<                       pts = (POINT3D *) ( (char *)&(poly->npoints[poly->nrings] )  );
<                       pts = (POINT3D *) MAXALIGN(pts);
<                       round_points(pts, numb_points,ndigits);
<               }
<       }
<       //round the bounding box as well
<       geom1->bvol.LLB.x = my_round( geom1->bvol.LLB.x, ndigits );
<       geom1->bvol.LLB.y = my_round( geom1->bvol.LLB.y, ndigits );
<       geom1->bvol.LLB.z = my_round( geom1->bvol.LLB.z, ndigits );
<       geom1->bvol.URT.x = my_round( geom1->bvol.URT.x, ndigits );
<       geom1->bvol.URT.y = my_round( geom1->bvol.URT.y, ndigits );
<       geom1->bvol.URT.z = my_round( geom1->bvol.URT.z, ndigits );
<       PG_RETURN_POINTER(geom1);
< }
< // Round a single point to ndigits decimal places
< // 2004/07/01 Gino Lucrezi (gino-pgsc at lucrezi.net)
< void    round_points(POINT3D *pt, int npoints, int2 ndigits)
< {
<         int i;
<         if (npoints <1)
<                 return; //nothing to do
<         for (i=0;i<npoints;i++)
<         {
<               //elog(LOG,"before: [%g,%g,%g]\n", pt[i].x, pt[i].y,pt[i].z);
<                 pt[i].x = my_round( pt[i].x, ndigits );
<                 pt[i].y = my_round( pt[i].y, ndigits );
<                 pt[i].z = my_round( pt[i].z, ndigits );
<               //elog(LOG,"after: [%g,%g,%g]\n", pt[i].x, pt[i].y,pt[i].z);
<         }
< }
< // round a double to a specified number of digits
< // ndigits can be negative
< // 2004/07/01 Gino Lucrezi (gino-pgsc at lucrezi.net)
< double my_round( double X, int2 ndigits )
< {
<    return round( X * pow(10, ndigits) ) * pow(10, -ndigits );
< }
< //trunc geometry
< // truncates extra digits off all points in a geometry up to ndigits
< // WARNING: might generate invalid geometries. 
< // It is only meant for simplifying display of points or structures.
< // See geom_round for details
< // Obviously, this function is not a OGC standard.
< // It was inspired by the SQL TRUNC() function (which only works on scalar data)
< // ndigits might be negative: 
< // GeomTrunc( GeomFromText('POINT(358808.488 4701948.639)',23033), -5 )
< // will result in POINT(300000 4700000)
< // 2004/07/01 Gino Lucrezi (gino-pgsc at lucrezi.net)
< PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(geom_trunc);
< Datum geom_trunc(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
< {
<       GEOMETRY        *geom1;
<       int2            ndigits = PG_GETARG_INT16(1);
<       int32           *offsets1;
<       char            *o1;
<       int32           type,j,i;
<       POLYGON3D       *poly;
<       POINT3D         *point,*pts;
<       LINE3D          *line;
<       int             numb_points;
<       //make a copy of geom so we can return a new version
<       geom1 = (GEOMETRY *) palloc (geom->size);
<       memcpy(geom1, geom, geom->size);                        //Will handle SRID and grid
<       offsets1 = (int32 *) ( ((char *) &(geom1->objType[0] ))+ sizeof(int32) * geom1->nobjs ) ;
<       //now have to do a scan of each object
<       for (j=0; j< geom1->nobjs; j++)         //for each object in geom1
<       {
<               o1 = (char *) geom1 +offsets1[j] ;
<               type=  geom1->objType[j];
<               if (type == POINTTYPE)  //point
<               {
<                       point = (POINT3D *) o1;
<                       trunc_points(point, 1,ndigits);
<               }
<               if (type == LINETYPE)   //line
<               {
<                       line = (LINE3D *) o1;
<                       trunc_points(&(line->points[0]), line->npoints,ndigits);
<               }
<               if (type == POLYGONTYPE)        //POLYGON
<               {
<                       poly = (POLYGON3D *) o1;
<                       //find where the points are and where to put them
<                       numb_points =0;
<                       for (i=0; i<poly->nrings;i++)
<                       {
<                               numb_points += poly->npoints[i];
<                       }
<                       pts = (POINT3D *) ( (char *)&(poly->npoints[poly->nrings] )  );
<                       pts = (POINT3D *) MAXALIGN(pts);
<                       trunc_points(pts, numb_points,ndigits);
<               }
<       }
<       //truncates the bounding box as well
<       geom1->bvol.LLB.x = my_trunc( geom1->bvol.LLB.x, ndigits );
<       geom1->bvol.LLB.y = my_trunc( geom1->bvol.LLB.y, ndigits );
<       geom1->bvol.LLB.z = my_trunc( geom1->bvol.LLB.z, ndigits );
<       geom1->bvol.URT.x = my_trunc( geom1->bvol.URT.x, ndigits );
<       geom1->bvol.URT.y = my_trunc( geom1->bvol.URT.y, ndigits );
<       geom1->bvol.URT.z = my_trunc( geom1->bvol.URT.z, ndigits );
<       PG_RETURN_POINTER(geom1);
< }
< // Truncate a single point to ndigits decimal places
< // 2004/07/01 Gino Lucrezi (gino-pgsc at lucrezi.net)
< void    trunc_points(POINT3D *pt, int npoints, int2 ndigits)
< {
<         int i;
<         if (npoints <1)
<                 return; //nothing to do
<         for (i=0;i<npoints;i++)
<         {
<               //elog(LOG,"before: [%g,%g,%g]\n", pt[i].x, pt[i].y,pt[i].z);
<                 pt[i].x = my_trunc( pt[i].x, ndigits );
<                 pt[i].y = my_trunc( pt[i].y, ndigits );
<                 pt[i].z = my_trunc( pt[i].z, ndigits );
<               //elog(LOG,"after: [%g,%g,%g]\n", pt[i].x, pt[i].y,pt[i].z);
<         }
< }
< // truncate a double to a specified number of digits
< // ndigits can be negative
< // 2004/07/01 Gino Lucrezi (gino-pgsc at lucrezi.net)
< double my_trunc( double X, int2 ndigits )
< {
<    return trunc( X * pow(10, ndigits) ) * pow(10, -ndigits );
< }

diff ./postgis.h ../postgis-cvs-originale/postgis.h
< void  round_points(POINT3D *pt, int npoints, int2 ndigits);
< void  trunc_points(POINT3D *pt, int npoints, int2 ndigits);
< double        my_round( double X, int2 ndigits );
< double        my_trunc( double X, int2 ndigits );
< Datum geom_round(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
< Datum geom_trunc(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);

diff ./postgis_sql_common.sql.in ../postgis-cvs-originale/postgis_sql_common.sql.in
< CREATE FUNCTION GeomRound(geometry,smallint)
<         RETURNS geometry
<         AS '@MODULE_FILENAME@', 'geom_round'
<         LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict) ;
< CREATE FUNCTION GeomRound(geometry, numeric)
<       RETURNS geometry AS
<       'SELECT GeomRound( $1, $2::int2)'
<       LANGUAGE 'sql' WITH (isstrict) ;
< CREATE FUNCTION GeomRound(geometry)
<       RETURNS geometry AS
<       'SELECT GeomRound( $1, 0)'
<       LANGUAGE 'sql' WITH (isstrict) ;
< CREATE FUNCTION GeomTrunc(geometry,smallint)
<         RETURNS geometry
<         AS '@MODULE_FILENAME@', 'geom_trunc'
<         LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict) ;
< CREATE FUNCTION GeomTrunc(geometry, numeric)
<       RETURNS geometry AS
<       'SELECT GeomTrunc( $1, $2::int2)'
<       LANGUAGE 'sql' WITH (isstrict) ;
< CREATE FUNCTION GeomTrunc(geometry)
<       RETURNS geometry AS
<       'SELECT GeomTrunc( $1, 0)'
<       LANGUAGE 'sql' WITH (isstrict) ;

diff ./postgis.sql.in ../postgis-cvs-originale/postgis.sql.in
< CREATEFUNCTION GeomRound(geometry,smallint)
<         RETURNS geometry
<         AS '@MODULE_FILENAME@', 'geom_round'
<         LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict) ;
< CREATEFUNCTION GeomRound(geometry, numeric)
<         RETURNS geometry AS
<         'SELECT GeomRound( $1, $2::int2)'
<         LANGUAGE 'sql' WITH (isstrict) ;
< CREATEFUNCTION GeomRound(geometry)
<         RETURNS geometry AS
<         'SELECT GeomRound( $1, 0)'
<         LANGUAGE 'sql' WITH (isstrict) ;
< CREATEFUNCTION GeomTrunc(geometry,smallint)
<         RETURNS geometry
<         AS '@MODULE_FILENAME@', 'geom_trunc'
<         LANGUAGE 'C' WITH (isstrict) ;
< CREATEFUNCTION GeomTrunc(geometry, numeric)
<         RETURNS geometry AS
<         'SELECT GeomTrunc( $1, $2::int2)'
<         LANGUAGE 'sql' WITH (isstrict) ;
< CREATEFUNCTION GeomTrunc(geometry)
<         RETURNS geometry AS
<         'SELECT GeomTrunc( $1, 0)'
<         LANGUAGE 'sql' WITH (isstrict) ;

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