[postgis-devel] Backend crash with RC3 and RC4

Mark Cave-Ayland m.cave-ayland at webbased.co.uk
Wed Mar 23 08:38:27 PST 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net 
> [mailto:postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On 
> Behalf Of strk at refractions.net
> Sent: 23 March 2005 16:12
> To: 'PostGIS Development Discussion'
> Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] Backend crash with RC3 and RC4
> Well.. it was less dramatic then I tought.
> Fix was two fold:
> 	- *wrong* box3d computation for COLLECTIONS
> 	- *missing* return value check from GEOMSTRY::BOX3D cast
> Upgrading people will benefit from an addBBOX(dropBBOX(the_geom)) 
> update of spatial tables. And a VACUUM ANALYZE afterwards...
> I hope this won't require an RC5.... what about an RC4-2 
> win32 installer Mark ?
> --strk;

Hi strk,

Hmmm... haven't got time to do a new installer but could quickly compile and
email Martin a new liblwgeom.dll if you could supply a patch against RC4....

I would say that a crasher is definitely worth bringing out RC5, otherwise
we get people confused as to whether they are using RC4-1 or RC4-2 (plus it
doesn't help the Unix users). If you can send me the patch, I'll quickly
apply and send Martin the DLL. If it works then my call would be go for RC5
beginning of next week just to avoid confusion....

Kind regards,


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