[postgis-devel] Re: [Sfsql.rwg] AsGML()

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Wed May 18 10:40:32 PDT 2005

Another note, which no one called me on: despite the fact that we 
reference EPSG:4326 as our CRS authority, we present our coordinate 
information in easting/northing order, contrary to the EPSG definition 
for 4326. Shame on us. Shame on you too?

Does SQL/MM say anything *explicit* about this in their GML functions or 
do they implicitly assume people "do the right thing" (whatever that is) 
when handed an EPSG number?

Paul Ramsey wrote:

> In this modern era, it only makes sense. An example from our 
> implementation, for discussion purposes:
> geodata=# select asgml(the_geom) from haiti_cities limit 1;
>                                                asgml
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>  <gml:Point 
> srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:coordinates>-72.335,18.53916667</gml:coordinates></gml:Point> 
> (1 row)
> Some things to note:
> - the srsName in GML needs to be *correct* and there is no guarantee 
> that the internal database has any idea at all what real SRS a given 
> SRID in the databse maps to. We cheat, because our spatial_ref_sys table 
> is full of EPSG identifiers.
> - we only return bare GML, we don't have any way to return feature 
> collections (which would be cool, don't get me wrong).
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