[postgis-devel] Re: PostgreSQL HEAD array changes

Michael Fuhr mike at fuhr.org
Fri Nov 25 21:40:01 PST 2005

On Fri, Nov 25, 2005 at 05:17:00PM +0100, strk at refractions.net wrote:
> I've committed a slightly modified version of
> your patch, using ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULL() in code
> and redefining it to ARR_OVERHEAD() for pgsql < 82.
> Also I cleaned up some includes as rtree.h seems
> to have disappeared or changed location.
> Could you please try (the head branch) ?

No problems so far.  I've tested HEAD on the following systems:

  PostgreSQL 8.0.4, Solaris 9/sparc, gcc 3.4.2
  PostgreSQL 8.1.0, FreeBSD 6.0/i386, gcc 3.4.4
  PostgreSQL 8.2devel, Solaris 9/sparc, gcc 3.4.2

Regression tests pass with the exception of the trivial differences
I've noted before on Solaris.  Both Solaris and FreeBSD do report
the following difference for the "regress" test; I don't remember
seeing it before:

  < ERROR:  LWGEOM2GEOS: exception during polygon shell conversion
  > ERROR:  POSTGIS2GEOS conversion failed

Michael Fuhr

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