[postgis-devel] Adding postgis-config to PostGIS 1.1.2

TECHER David davidtecher at yahoo.fr
Wed Mar 29 02:53:45 PST 2006

Hi Sandro,

Thanks for your reponse!

As I said in my mail, having the "summary" done by a configure is for me
and for people who work on debian and nt only on debian...because

"Each time someone - not only from the mailing-list but from people who
send me
private mails - has problem on installing postgis, the infos from the
is important for me helping people to install PostGIS

I don't care if it is from a command like a 'postgis-config' or a
SQL..but it should be help
me if theses infos are somewhere after postgis was built and installed.

So do U have any suggestion on having theses infos somewhere (SQL or a
after a PostGIS installation? It could be nice ;-)!

strk at refractions.net a écrit :

>I think using SQL gives less chances of being confusing.
>PostGIS *is* a database extension, so all info are related
>to the specific database, not to a "primary" installation itself.
>What use did you have in mind for your proposed command ?
>On Wed, Mar 29, 2006 at 01:16:18AM +0200, TECHER David wrote:
>>Hi PostGISers,
>>Happy to send a mail to my favorite mailing-list ;)
>>I know that my idea is not new but I ask myself, if it could be (before
>>writing anything...)
>>Why not using a postgis-config like (geos-config does) for debugging and
>>I know, i know that for each info I need (example postgis_full_version)
>>there is a query and a function
>>(thanks Sandro for the work U do ;) )
>>But I think that there is a helpfull info which is very interesting is
>>the information returns at the end of
>>a 'configure':
>>cd postgis-1.1.1
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> HOST_OS: linux-gnu
>>   PGSQL: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config
>>    GEOS: /usr/local/bin/geos-config (with C-API)
>>    PROJ: dir=/usr/local
>>   ICONV: 1
>> PORTNAME: linux
>>   PREFIX: /usr/local/pgsql
>>  EPREFIX: ${prefix}
>>      DOC: /usr/local/pgsql/doc/contrib
>>     DATA: /usr/local/pgsql/share/contrib
>>      MAN: /usr/local/pgsql/man
>>      BIN: /usr/local/pgsql/bin
>>      EXT: /usr/local/pgsql/lib (\$$libdir)
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>I think there are interesting information (above) on these summary that
>>should be helpfull to have on
>>command like a 'postgis-config' with options for debugging...
>>For example, on a Debian (or other ..) PGLIB, PGHOME are not the same
>>directory! (/usr/local/pgsql and /var/lib/postgresql,
>>So why not writting a command that can do
>>postgis-config --help
>>Options available:
>>       --version                               PostGIS version
>>      --configure                            give you the command line
>>use by configure to build postgis here,
>>      --configure-summary              ( like above)
>>      --prefix                                      you guess, i think
>>     --with-geos                               0 is PostGIS was compiled
>>with Geos or else 0
>>    --with-proj                                 (same idea...)
>>    --help           prints these help then exit
>>Others options?
>>If U think it could be usefull, please let me know?
>>But that's only an idea?
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