[postgis-devel] Observation/question about gdal2wktraster script

Mateusz Loskot Mateusz.Loskot at cadcorp.com
Mon Jul 20 05:55:48 PDT 2009

Jorge Arévalo wrote:
> I've executed the script adding the option -R to register a new WKT
> Raster as out-db raster and I got an error in one of these lines
>  if options.register:
>         # Off-db raster
>         # TODO: Do we want to handle options.overview_level? --mloskot
>         # TODO: Where bandidx and ds come from? --mloskot
>         hexwkb += wkblify('B', bandidx - 1)
>         filepath = os.path.abspath((ds.GetFileList()[0]).replace('\\',
> '\\\\'))
>         hexwkb += wkblify(str(len(filepath)) + 's', filepath)
>         hexwkb += wkblify('B', 0)
> So, the support is under development right now (the code needs a valid
> dataset to create the out-db raster), am I right?


The off-db feature in gdal2wktraster is not finished and most likely broken.
Pierre started to implement it but I have broken it with the recent big re-implementation.

As this is a prototype, I'm personally focused on in-db images.
Feel free to fix it if you want.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot
Senior Programmer, Cadcorp

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