[postgis-devel] [PostGIS] #1319: [raster] Make raster_columns a constraint-based view, replace AddRasterColumn with AddRasterConstraints and expand # of constraints on raster columns

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Fri Dec 2 09:57:49 PST 2011

#1319: [raster] Make raster_columns a constraint-based view, replace
AddRasterColumn with AddRasterConstraints and expand # of constraints on
raster columns
 Reporter:  robe            |       Owner:  dustymugs    
     Type:  task            |      Status:  assigned     
 Priority:  critical        |   Milestone:  PostGIS 2.0.0
Component:  postgis raster  |     Version:  trunk        
 Keywords:                  |  

Comment(by bnordgren):

 Replying to [comment:45 dustymugs]:
 > I think a possible interim solution (at least for 2.0 code freeze) is to
 add a regular_blocking column to the raster_columns view with a garbage
 constraint that allows the end-user (who should know their own data) to
 specify that a column is regularly blocked.  A constraint is best as that
 makes no assumptions and can be done within the database but won't be
 available until 2.1.

 I'd agree that the column should be "informative" until the objectives can
 be hashed out a little more. I very much like the idea of "regularly
 blocked" raster groups from the perspective of accelerated access (e.g.,
 access by "original" pixel values, easily computed by the original grid
 metadata). However, I do not want to be forced to create a new table for
 each raster.

 For instance, the GFED3 database has monthly burned area and emissions
 data on a 0.5x0.5 degree global grid. While I'd love to take advantage of
 whatever acceleration is offered in the future for regularly blocked
 rasters, I don't want to add a new table for every month. Injecting a
 computed table name into an SQL query is always awkward.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/1319#comment:46>
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