[postgis-devel] Topology building performance

Sandro Santilli strk at keybit.net
Fri Jan 10 03:03:14 PST 2014

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:00:19AM +0100, RĂ©mi Cura wrote:

> I don't know a way to analyse execution time inside a function in postgres,
> I'm gonna ask on postgres list.

I've played with auto_explain a bit, but the most success I've had
with an off-db routing timing each single insert, which revealed
some kind of inputs to be killing process a lot (huge improvement
made after that to the ST_BuildArea function -- wonder if our Graeme
had that in).

IIRC the profile graph we got was also made using a batch import
and showing time of each set on the graph.
Was pretty linear if I'm not wrong.


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