[postgis-devel] raster geo-referencing with projective transform

Ralf Haeusler ralf at augview.net
Sun Oct 19 15:00:48 PDT 2014


I work on a project that requires adding functionality to PostGIS Raster
processing to permit geo-referencing images (e.g. aerial) where the
geo-reference is parametrized as a general 2D-2D projection (8 parameters)
as opposed to the existing affine projection (6 parameters). Both of these
projections are implemented, e.g., in the QGIS Raster Georeferencer.

Would anybody be able to provide some guidance regarding, e.g.:

- Defining the PostGIS API
- Pointing to relevant functionality in GDAL
- Reasoning about most useful parametrizations of projective transforms

*Ralf Haeusler* | Computer Vision Research, Software Development
Augview |  P O Box 125046, St Heliers, Auckland 1740, New Zealand
p: +64 9 575 5298 | m: +64 27 303 9412 | e: ralf at augview.net
<ralf at augview.net> | w: www.augview.net
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