[postgis-devel] How to develop an infrastructure to test the postgis extension?

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Sun Oct 16 23:18:12 PDT 2016

On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 02:26:20PM -0700, sablok wrote:
> I am encountering a problem testing the PostGIS extension. I have looked
> through the monkey garden tests that the community provides for testing
> PostGIS but they only provide some details about the 80K tests that they
> either passed or failed but don't provide us with a decision if the PostGIS
> extension is installed succesfully or not. What is a good way to test
> PostGIS in an automated fashion. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated
> as I need to figure this out real quick.

make installcheck


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