[postgis-devel] PostGIS (actually liblwgeom) integration with oss-fuzz

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Jul 4 14:56:49 PDT 2017

On mardi 4 juillet 2017 14:38:28 CEST Paul Ramsey wrote:
> This seems very cool but also very involved and complicated :)

Well, I did at least all the setup part :-) So basically just merging my commit is needed to have 
it set up and automatically find and file bugs (and auto-close the reports once the bug fix has 
been committed and verified the day following the commit)

Fixing bugs is the only part that isn't done (yet ?) automatically.

Maintainance of the system should be rather low, unless PostGIS build system and tree 
structure changes often, which doesn't seem to be the case.

I can give more explanations if needed. I initiated a README.TXT in

> I think everyone is concomitantly afraid to step forward and pick it up.
> It's got it all: external services, big chains of dependencies, docker :)

As I showed, you can also relatively easily play with it locally too.

> I think everyone is a little afraid to pick it up, lest they own it.

Yes, sure. But I guess that will become as common as using Travis-CI, AppVeyor or other 
continuous integration systems for OSS projects. Just look at the list of projects already 
integrated at


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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