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<TITLE>Code repository</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Kevin's comment about geometry cleaning got me thinking. There are a lot of very useful user code contributions e.g that minimum bounding circle, cleaning functions and so forth. PL/R group has similar issues and the topic came up recently on that list too.<BR>
The Wiki doesn't quite seem like the ideal place to store those things ( unless there is a plugin I don't know about) ,(though a reference from there makes sense or an api xml call from a service). Wiki is not ideal because first it mangles my plpgsql code so a pain to put in and then when you copy its hard to get out those ? marks. Second its not easy to search by concept etc.<BR>
I was thinking of something like <A HREF="http://snipplr.com">http://snipplr.com</A> and I think there are about 5 or so like it as an ideal interface.<BR>
The nice thing about snipplr and other like things is - well it color-codes, easy to get code in and out, and they have an xml-rpc interface that makes it easy to tie into many editors (for example I have that in my programming editor so copy code is a key press away).<BR>
The interface is what I like most. As to whether we use a free service or setup our own, I'm more or less indifferent to.<BR>
If we setup our own (is that even possible?) would be nice to share with PL/R folks too since there is a lot of overlap between PostGIS and PL/R usage.<BR>
Just food for thought.<BR>
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