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<TITLE>RE: [postgis-devel] Deprecation Warnings</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Hmm although it really wouldn't be deprecate -- it would be lets remove them and allow people to reinstate them if they want as Kevin suggested.<BR>
Personally I don't care for warnings -- either keep it or get rid of it. Warnings sounds like a lot of wasted log space which will probably only be seen by logs and potentially mysteriously slow down applications in the process.<BR>
Though I guess we must think of the children (Mapserver, GeoServer and ZigGIS and so forth which may be using the old names). But then I suppose anyone using apps relying on deprecated names would just install the wrapper patch.<BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: postgis-devel-bounces@postgis.refractions.net on behalf of Obe, Regina<BR>
Sent: Fri 1/23/2009 5:06 PM<BR>
To: PostGIS Development Discussion<BR>
Subject: RE: [postgis-devel] Deprecation Warnings<BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: postgis-devel-bounces@postgis.refractions.net on behalf of David William Bitner<BR>
Sent: Fri 1/23/2009 4:51 PM<BR>
To: PostGIS Development Discussion<BR>
Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] Deprecation Warnings<BR>
+1, I like Cake.<BR>
On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Kevin Neufeld <kneufeld@refractions.net>wrote:<BR>
> What if we deprecate the functions as you suggest (and eventually remove<BR>
> them), but provide a sql script that will reinstate them as wrappers to the<BR>
> ST_* methods. That way, folks can have their cake and eat it too ...<BR>
> upgrade to the latest version without breaking their apps.<BR>
> -- Kevin<BR>
> Paul Ramsey wrote:<BR>
>> Could we use the function creation option<BR>
>> SET configuration_parameter { TO value | = value | FROM CURRENT }<BR>
>> to, for example, set postgis_deprecated to true?<BR>
>> Then in the function, we could warn on deprecation. So the same<BR>
>> backend to intersects() could be used by several function names, but<BR>
>> only some would raise deprecation warnings.<BR>
>> Or do we want to continue our gentle regime of letting the old names<BR>
>> live in quite obscurity?<BR>
>> P.<BR>
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David William Bitner<BR>
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