<span class="ul-threaded" style="margin: 1em 0pt 0pt -20px;"><span class="text-cell">HHello,
<br><br>I have a bit of a problem that is sort of driving me crazy. I
need to perform an "addition of two (mathematical) functions". I
represent them as linestrings in my solution, and it is part of another
bigger function. The code is as follows:
<br>SELECT st_LineFromMultiPoint(st_Collect(st_MakePoint(xy.t,<a href="http://xy.at">xy.at</a>)))
<br>FROM (SELECT q.t, dr_delay_value($1,q.t) + dr_delay_value($3,dr_delay_value($1,q.t)) AS at
<br> FROM (SELECT st_X(st_PointN($1,n)) AS t
<br> FROM generate_series(1,st_NumPoints($1)) AS h(n)
<br> UNION
<br> SELECT st_X(st_PointN($2,n)) AS t
<br> FROM generate_series(1,st_NumPoints($2)) AS h(n)
<br> UNION
<br> SELECT st_Xmax($1) AS t
<br> ) AS q ORDER BY q.t) AS xy
<br>dr_delay_value() is simply a look-up function that takes the Y value for a certain X.
<br><br>The thing is that eventually this fuction is failing on
returning more specifically a 2-points linestring (that sould) and
returns only a single point one. Now, I have prepared a "wrapper"
PL/Pgsql function to keep track of what is passed to that function
(perhaps that was the reason for the error. With that I'm pretty much
sure that the arguments passed are fine, and still get the same
error... Strangely, with my wrapper function keeping track of the
arguments passed to the function I was able to try out to run the same
request (that inside of the bigger function fails) separately, and
guess what? is simply works!!
<br><br>I hope anyone may have a clue of what is going on. That's a very strange behavior, I would say.
<br><br>Rodrigo Sperb