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<div align="left">You are right </div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">I am sorry.</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">I thought it was just the "c" in the subject that was missing :-)</div>
<div align="left">Here it should come</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">/Nicklas<br />
<br />
2009-12-20 Frode Wiseth Jørgensen wrote:<br />
<br />
<br />
>Hi Nicklas<br />
><br />
>Is the attachment missing (zipfile) ?<br />
><br />
>Cheers<br />
>Frode<br />
><br />
><br />
>Nicklas Avén wrote:<br />
>> <br />
>> Ok sorry for some days delay. I just had to find some time to write some<br />
>> comments in the code. This is what I've got so far. I have installed using<br />
>> the windows installe from OSGeo4Wand just checked, ApacheMapserver<br />
>> CGIFastCGIProj There is some notes in the readme.txt about nessesary<br />
>> configuration. the zipfile also includes a database dump named<br />
>> pgonline.backup Regards Nicklas <br />
>> <br />
>> 2009-12-16 George Silva wrote:<br />
>> <br />
>>><br />
>> This is a great idea and can bring a lot of people into using the<br />
>> software.><br />
>> ><br />
>> There is a major difficulty in starting with PostGIS because you cannot<br />
>> see your data. Many users and power-users wishes to convert, but they lack<br />
>> that "graphic" ArcCatalog window.><br />
>> ><br />
>> For me at least was one of the barriers i found when i first started.<br />
>> Being able to show future users the funcionalities of PostGIS without<br />
>> installing and giving them the freedom to experiment is a vry good idea.<br />
>> Congratulations for that.><br />
>> ><br />
>> If you need any help, I'm up for it.><br />
>> ><br />
>> George<br />
>>><br />
>>>><br />
>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Marc Jansen
<jansen@terrestris.de></jansen@terrestris.de><br />
>> wrote:<br />
>>>Hi Nicklas,<br />
>>><br />
>>>find my answers inline: ><br />
>> <br />
>>><br />
>>><br />
>>>Nicklas Avén wrote:<br />
>>>Hallo Mark<br />
>>> Great :-)<br />
>>> Absolutely, we should try to get something useful out of this together.<br />
>>> <br />
>>>Maybe we simply chat when the book is published? What do you think? ><br />
>> <br />
>>><br />
>>> What is producing your maps? Mapserver, geoserver?<br />
>>><br />
>>>I have a background world-WMS served by I-don't-know... it's external, I<br />
>simply use the service. The spatial data from a query is being rendered by<br />
>the browser as vectorgraphics (OpenLayers allows you to display e.g.<br />
>WKT-Strings as vector data, SVG, VML etc.). ><br />
>> <br />
>>><br />
>>> I have one longterm-thought about this (seen from my situation as a<br />
>>> novice hacker trying my best :-)) , give me a few lines to explain:<br />
>>> I think PostGIS gets too samll attention at least in this part of the<br />
>>> world. Here I have focused on two reasons I think is obvious.<br />
>>>1) as I wrote in last post, people doesn't at once see the possibility<br />
>to use spatial sql-queris for analyses, they just use the spatial database<br />
>for storing. An online testarea to send everybody little curious could maybe<br />
>help some of that.<br />
>>><br />
>>>Yes, maybe. ><br />
>> <br />
>>><br />
>>>2) I think it is a weakness that almost no webhotels can offer a PostGIS<br />
>functionality (together with mapserver or Geoserver) and I think one problem<br />
>is to be able to manage your spatial data on a webhotel. Other data you can<br />
>manage with phppgAdmin in postgresql. Of cource you can manage spatial data<br />
>to like that but you will easily get a feeling that you don't have control<br />
>if you can't easily see your data. So I think maybe the webhotels would be<br />
>more intrested if there were a web user interface to the spatial data.<br />
>>><br />
>>>webhotels are webhosters, right ? :-) I am not an expert in that field,<br />
>bnut would guess that only few of them offer a PostgreSQL-database, and even<br />
>fewer one with PostGIS preinstalled... at least within the minimal package<br />
>that includes a database.<br />
>>><br />
>>>As for the simple preview of stored spatial data from with phppgadmin, I<br />
>am pretty sure I remember a plugin that did that. Not sure what it was<br />
>called though, sorry ><br />
>> <br />
>>><br />
>>> So my plan is to get this tutorial site (not nessesary from my initial<br />
>>> approach) running, hoping for people to contribute in the development of<br />
>>> the site. That will have a positive effect on PostGIS during this<br />
>>> development process and maybe it will give ideas and encourage someone to<br />
>>> implement it in for example phppgAdmin.<br />
>>> It's not illegal to be naive :-)<br />
>>><br />
>>>I don't think you are naive. Publishing your ideas (or solutions to<br />
>problems you happen to stumble upon) is the core of OSS, isn't it? Who knows<br />
>if someone will jump on the train? No one will join you if you don't<br />
>publish... so go on, release early and often!<br />
>>><br />
>>>Regards,<br />
>>>Marc<br />
>>><br />
>>> ><br />
>>><br />
>> ><br />
>> /Nicklas<br />
>>> <br />
>>>2009-12-16 Marc Jansen wrote:<br />
>>><br />
>>>Hi Nicklas, Hi list,<br />
>>>><br />
>>>>I love the idea of trying SQLs in a browser and instantly get a spatial<br />
>>>>result! Actually I have built an OpenLayers [1] client for an upcoming<br />
>>> >book of mine [2] that does this. Furthermore I wanted to transform that<br />
>>>>special bit of code (the interactive terminal and the OpenLayers client)<br />
>>>>into an OpenSource application. Actally I recently submitted a talk to<br />
>>> >the german conference FOSSGIS [3] -- organized by the local german<br />
>>>>chapter FOSSGIS [4] of the OSGEO -- that wants to discuss the project<br />
>>>>and further possible development. The talk is not yet accepted.<br />
>>> ><br />
>>>>I took a slightly different appproach (Mainly because the initiual<br />
>>>>application was being developed for the book):<br />
>>>><br />
>>>> * One opens the address of the application in the browser<br />
>>>> * You see a world map (an external WMS) in a minimal OpenLayers-Client<br />
>>> > * below the Map there is a terminal where you can enter more or less<br />
>>>> any SQL<br />
>>>> * Upon submission of the form data is sent via AJAX to aserver side<br />
>>>> script<br />
>>>> * that script does some checking and finally queries the database<br />
>>> > and gioves the result back to the client<br />
>>>> * if the result of the query is a geometry, it gets displayed on<br />
>>>> the map as a vector geometry instantly<br />
>>>> * if the result is a meta-infomation (eg ST_Area, etc.) That Info<br />
>>> > is displayed in the client.<br />
>>>> * There are some restrictions currently (allowed projections, number<br />
>>>> of returned records and the like)<br />
>>>><br />
>>>>I have working code for all of the above, but have to wait to publish<br />
>>> >the details until the book is finally there (that would be February<br />
>>>>2010, hopefully). All the code in the book will be released under the<br />
>>>>BSD license.<br />
>>>><br />
>>>>I see a big potential for an application like that (or the one you<br />
>>> >describe), so please contact me on- or offlist if you see any chance on<br />
>>>>working together on something like this.<br />
>>>><br />
>>>>Best regards,<br />
>>>>Marc<br />
>>>><br />
>>>>PS: Please excuse that I start a new thread because I couldn't reply<br />
>>> >directly to the original email.<br />
>>>><br />
>>>>[1] openlayers.org<br />
>>>>[2] german only:<br />
>>>>www.amazon.de/OpenLayers-Webentwicklung-dynamischen-Karten-Geodaten/dp/3937514929/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1260946463&sr=8-1<br />
>>> >[3] www.fossgis.de/konferenz/wiki/Main_Page<br />
>>>>[4] www.fossgis.de/<br />
>>> ><br />
>>>><br />
>>>><br />
>>>><br />
>>>>Original email from Nicklas:<br />
>>>>Hallo<br />
>>>><br />
>>>>I have had an idea about a site where people can try and test postgis<br />
>>>>online.<br />
>>>>Working with spatial data in db-environment I think a lot of people<br />
>>> >seems like abstract and maybe suspect and<br />
>>>>their picture of analyse spatial data is often tightly connected to some<br />
>>>>Arc-products.<br />
>>>><br />
>>>>So, now I have come up with something as a start.<br />
>>>><br />
>>> >The basic idea is that a sql-string generates a view or a table that<br />
>>>>mapserver produces a transparent gif-image from.<br />
>>>>The idea of working with transparent images is that you can produce many<br />
>>>>(three in the application of today) images that will be put on top of<br />
>>> >each other. The first defines the extent and the others will be showed<br />
>>>>on top.<br />
>>>><br />
>>>> From this concept I continued and found a way of easily producing<br />
>>>>tutorials.<br />
>>>>The idea is that a tutorial (defined by some objects in a html-file)<br />
>>> >controls 4 objects in the window (see attached picture):<br />
>>>>* the text in a describing text -holder to the right in the screen<br />
>>>>* the text in the sql-string text area, so the user can just click a<br />
>>>>button to see the result, modify it and try again<br />
>>> >* Background map, One of the maps in the dataabse, shown "as is" in full<br />
>>>>extent or in extent defined by Map1<br />
>>>>* An image, it is possible to, instead of the map give the url to an<br />
>>>>image. Might b convinient for showing something in the tutorial<br />
>>> ><br />
>>>> From this tools it should be easy, bith to present all the PostGIS<br />
>>>>functions and explain new things like Geography-type or wkt-raster.<br />
>>>><br />
>>>>I think it could give many sql-gurus an aha-experiense to see the<br />
>>> >possibilities of analysing spatial data with sql.<br />
>>>><br />
>>>>I have bought postgisonline.org for the purpose. (Thought it was best<br />
>>>>buying it before discussing it in public :-)<br />
>>> >There is also other suggestions but I don't know if that was an option<br />
>>>>for sure or just maybe . I have no opinion in that question.<br />
>>>>Does it sound interesting?<br />
>>>>I would like it all to be open source. Do I haev to but some special<br />
>>> >text in the files. Do I/we risk anything if I just dump it all to this<br />
>>>>list?<br />
>>>><br />
>>>>about the attached pictures:<br />
>>>>* the artistic example is Reginas example in documentation to<br />
>>>>st_longestline, buffered with 1, 2 respective 5 units on top of eachother<br />
>>> >* picture.jpeg is the page 2 of a tutorial shoving what it looks like.<br />
>>>>Not very fancy, but I'm little alergic to heavy fanciness on the web.<br />
>>>> But should maybe be little more good looking with colors and so on.<br />
>>> ><br />
>>>>Regards<br />
>>>>Nicklas<br />
>>>>_______________________________________________<br />
>>>>postgis-devel mailing list<br />
>>>>postgis-devel@postgis.refractions.net<br />
>>> >postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-devel<br />
>>>><br />
>>>><br />
>>>------------------------------------------------------------------------ ><br />
>> <br />
>>><br />
>>>_______________________________________________<br />
>>>postgis-devel mailing list<br />
>>>postgis-devel@postgis.refractions.net<br />
>>>postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-devel<br />
>>> <br />
>>><br />
>>><br />
>>>-- <br />
>>><br />
>>><br />
>>> Dipl.-Geogr. Marc Jansen<br />
>>> - Anwendungsentwickler -<br />
>>><br />
>>> terrestris GmbH & Co. KG<br />
>>> Irmintrudisstraße 17<br />
>>> 53111 Bonn<br />
>>><br />
>>> Tel: ++49 (0)228 / 96 28 99 -53<br />
>>> Fax: ++49 (0)228 / 96 28 99 -57<br />
>>><br />
>>> Email: jansen@terrestris.de<br />
>>> Web: www.terrestris.de<br />
>>><br />
>>> Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6835<br />
>>> Komplementärin: terrestris Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH<br />
>>> vertreten durch: Hinrich Paulsen, Till Adams ><br />
>>><br />
>> ><br />
>> <br />
>>><br />
>>>_______________________________________________<br />
>>>postgis-devel mailing list<br />
>>>postgis-devel@postgis.refractions.net<br />
>>>postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-devel<br />
>>><br />
>>><br />
>>><br />
>>>-- <br />
>>>George R. C. Silva<br />
>>><br />
>>>Desenvolvimento em GIS<br />
>>>www.sextantegeo2.blogspot.com<br />
>>><br />
>> <br />
>> _______________________________________________<br />
>> postgis-devel mailing list<br />
>> postgis-devel@postgis.refractions.net<br />
>> http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-devel<br />
>> <br />
>> <br />
><br />
>-- <br />
>View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/trying-PostGIS-online%2C-here-it-omes-tp26855944p26861936.html<br />
>Sent from the PostGIS - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.<br />
><br />
>_______________________________________________<br />
>postgis-devel mailing list<br />
>postgis-devel@postgis.refractions.net<br />
>http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-devel<br />