<body>Hallo<br />
<br />
I have bumped into something very strange I think. <br />
I am trying to get postgisonline.org work smoothly with multiple versions of postgis.<br />
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The solution I am now trying I guess is somewhere in the outer parts of what is recommended but I have found that the easiest administration of the datasets to use in postgisonline is if everything is in the same database. <br />
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Because of that I have installed postgis 1.5.1 in public schema as usual and Postgis trunk in a schema called trunk. Then I have different users with different search_path and decide what version to use by changing connection parameters. <br />
This worked just great until a removed public schema from the search_path for the trunk version. Then some functions stopped working with the error, for instance:<br />
<br />
function ST_Srid(public.geometry) does not exist<br />
<br />
What is strange is that ST_Area works fine and ST_Distance and ST_Length, but not ST_Dump<br />
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The question I don't understand right now is what decides where to get the type. From what I understand ST_Srid reads the type from the public schema and complains that the ST_Srid function in the trunk schema doesn't like the public.geometry type. I also guess that ST_Area does what is expected and uses the geometry type specified in the trunk schema and the ST_Area function get satisfied since it expects ST_Area(trunk.geometry)<br />
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My first thought is that there is some hard coded path to public schema in some functions. But I really don't know because in my local install, not postgisonline, I get different result. First all seemed to work and now nothing seems to work.<br />
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This is of course a very small issue and there is workarounds, but if this is a bug it might give other unexpected behaviours I guess.<br />
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If you want to see the phenomena on postgisonline you can get the trunk search_path by using this address:<br />
http://www.postgisonline.org/map.php?version=trunk<br />
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then you can try against a table called roads. All queries producing a geometry column called the_geom will give an error because there is an srid check which causes the error above.<br />
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but try <br />
Select ST_Length(the_geom) from roads; <br />
or<br />
Select ST_Area(the_geom) from property;<br />
and it should work. But :<br />
Select ST_Srid(the_geom) from roads;<br />
will give error<br />
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Any ideas?<br />
Is it a PostgreSQL bug or a PostGIS bug or am I the bug myself?<br />
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Thanks<br />
Nicklas<br />