Hi All,<br><br>I am using geomoose2 framework + ms4w + postgresql 9.0 and postgis 1.5.<br><br>While my mapscript use DATA from shape file and / or from mysql table ,map is generated and displayed well.<br>but when it fetch from postgresql it fails to generate map. I am not getting any error message.<br>
<br>Please help to find my problem.I am new in this area. I gave bellow my mapscript for shape,mysql and postgis.<br><br>read from shape:-<br>------------------------------<div id=":iu">----------------------------------<br>
MAP<br> NAME "Internal_plots"<br>
STATUS ON<br> TRANSPARENT ON<br> INCLUDE "../../../geomoose_globals.map"<br> LEGEND<br> STATUS ON<br> LABEL<br> TYPE TRUETYPE<br> FONT vera_sans<br> SIZE 8<br> COLOR 0 0 0<br>
END <br> END <br> LAYER<br> NAME Internal_plots<br> STATUS ON<br> TYPE POLYGON<br> LABELITEM 'DAG_NO'<br> TRANSPARENCY 100 <br>
CLASSITEM 'DAG_NO'<br> DATA './Internal_plots' <br> CLASS<br> NAME 'dag_no'<br> STYLE<br> SYMBOL 'plainline'<br> SIZE 1<br>
COLOR 255 255 255<br> OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0<br> END<br> LABEL<br> TYPE TRUETYPE<br> FONT vera_sans<br> SIZE 10<br> ANTIALIAS TRUE<br>
COLOR -1 -1 -1<br> OUTLINECOLOR -1 -1 -1<br> BUFFER 4<br> MINFEATURESIZE auto<br> PARTIALS FALSE<br> POSITION cc<br> END<br>
END<br> METADATA<br> 'identify_record' '../../Common/Template/village/identify_village.html'<br> 'peak_record' '../../Common/Template/village/village_peak.html'<br>
'select_record' '../../Common/Template/village/select_village.html'<br> 'select_header' '../../Common/Template/village/select_header_village.html'<br> 'popups' '../../Common/Template/village/village_popup.html'<br>
'itemquery' '../../Common/Template/village/village_itemquery.html'<br> # 'itemquery-filteritem' 'OWNER_NAME'<br> 'itemquery-filter' '/.*[qstring].*/i' <br>
'qstring_validation_pattern' '.'<br> <br> # Feature reports are stored in the conf/feature_report directory.<br> 'feature_report' 'village.shp.xml'<br>
END<br> TOLERANCE 0<br> END <br>END ## end Map<br><br><br>### report: work well<br>----------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Read from mysql , only DATA section,rest all are same<br>
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> CONNECTIONTYPE OGR<br> CONNECTION "MySQL:bmaapp,user=root,password=root,port=3306"<br> DATA "SELECT * from internal_plots ;"<br>
<br>### report: work well<br>----------------------------------------------------------------<br>
Read from postGIS only DATA section,rest all are same<br>
CONNECTIONTYPE postgis<br> CONNECTION 'host=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgis user=postgres password=root@2011'<br> DATA 'the_geom from Internal_plots'<br><br><br>### report: map is not displayed<br>
note that from pgadmin III sql query if we give select the_geom from
public."Internal_plots" then gives the geomtry column as output but
only select the_geom from Internal_plots OR the_geom from
Internal_plots does not give output rather second one is syntax
error and first one is giving message that Internal_plots relation does
not exist.<br>
<br><br><br>With Thanks and best regards<br><font color="#888888">Sanjib Chatterjee<br><br><br>