<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>OK,<br></div>is it the timing with<br></div>CREATE INDEX ON node (containing_face);<br>?<br></div>OR is it without index?<br><br>Maybe a little vacuum analyze would help?<br><br>Cheers,<br>Rémi-C<br>
</div><div class="gmail_extra"><br><br><div class="gmail_quote">2014-07-30 12:24 GMT+02:00 Sandro Santilli <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:strk@keybit.net" target="_blank">strk@keybit.net</a>></span>:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">
<div class="">On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 12:09:05PM +0200, Rémi Cura wrote:<br>
> The ticket :<br>
> <a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/2860" target="_blank">http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/2860</a><br>
> If fitting in memory, I would expect the 160k geom of the benchmark to be<br>
> imported in less than 30 sec in grass, cgal and geos.<br>
</div>Sum of memory size used to hold those 160k geometries in PostGIS memory<br>
is 26,592,360 (~26MB).<br>
<div class=""><br>
> 300 sec for Postgis Topology batch mode would be a good goal (reachable and<br>
> nice achievement).<br>
</div>Current best time (in that table) was 4984 secs (~2h20m)<br>
Still, we don't know exactly how much time went in triggers checking,<br>
how much in disk writing, how much in toasting/detoasting values etc.<br>
Speaking of which, another postgresql-level optimization that could<br>
be taken at population time could be setting the storage type, and<br>
setting the fill factor for tables should also make a difference.<br>
A lot to play with, having the time...<br>
Unfortunately running the population query for 5000 geometries right<br>
now gives me a longer time than I was getting back when I took the<br>
times for that test, and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I enabled<br>
gathering statistics about the called user functions, or because I changed<br>
some parameters about available memory work memory and such. I suspect<br>
those configurations change a lot the experience.<br>
Anyway, having stats on, will dump here the ones for loading 5000 geometries<br>
from that dataset (ordered by gid):<br>
strk=# select * from pg_stat_user_functions  order by total_time desc limit 10;<br>
 funcid | schemaname |    funcname     | calls | total_time | self_time<br>
 54535 | topology  | topogeo_addpolygon   |  5000 |  55761.337 |  1369.537<br>
 54533 | topology  | topogeo_addlinestring |  5004 |  48302.105 |  4038.88<br>
 54503 | topology  | st_addedgemodface   |  5004 |  33837.97 | 10328.094<br>
 62973 | topology  | _st_addfacesplit    | 10008 |  22461.719 |  17372.12<br>
 54534 | topology  | topogeo_addpoint    | 10008 |  9712.522 |  3570.827<br>
 54508 | topology  | st_addisonode     |  5004 |  6032.572 |  4861.636<br>
 54491 | topology  | getringedges      | 10008 |  4876.065 |  4876.065<br>
 54514 | topology  | st_getfacegeometry   | 11921 |  4674.631 |  3712.201<br>
 52455 | public   | st_pointonsurface   |  9591 |  1267.424 |  1267.424<br>
 52275 | public   | st_buildarea      | 11921 |   962.43 |   962.43<br>
(10 rows)<br>
You'll note that _ST_AddFaceSplit is called 10008 times, and at every<br>
call the number of points should be at least 1 more than the previous,<br>
with last call finding ~5000 nodes in the table.<br>
For the record, my current timing for loading those 5000 rows is 55822.181 ms<br>
whereas my last best was 36134.786 ms (just to get an idea about how much<br>
database configuration could change times, as I think the machine was<br>
really the same).<br>
<div><div class="h5"><br>
> 2014-07-30 11:56 GMT+02:00 Rémi Cura <<a href="mailto:remi.cura@gmail.com">remi.cura@gmail.com</a>>:<br>
> > Almost a 10x factor, really nice !<br>
> > Cheers,<br>
> > Rémi-C<br>
> ><br>
> ><br>
> > 2014-07-30 11:38 GMT+02:00 Sandro Santilli <<a href="mailto:strk@keybit.net">strk@keybit.net</a>>:<br>
> ><br>
> > On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 11:29:00AM +0200, Sandro Santilli wrote:<br>
> >><br>
> >> > There's a reference dataset produced some time ago by a user who<br>
> >> resulted<br>
> >> > in a fix making topology creation much faster:<br>
> >> > <a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/postgis-devel/2014-January/024078.html" target="_blank">http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/postgis-devel/2014-January/024078.html</a><br>
> >> ><br>
> >> > I still have a couple of diagrams showing population time before/after<br>
> >> > that are waiting for a blog post that I never find the time to write...<br>
> >><br>
> >> Just a sneak preview of the blog post that might never be written<br>
> >><br>
> >> Queries:<br>
> >><br>
> >> Â SELECT ST_CreateTopoGeo('million_poly_topo1', ST_Collect(geom))<br>
> >> Â FROM ( SELECT geom from million_poly_topo1 order by gid limit 160000) as<br>
> >> f;<br>
> >><br>
> >> Â SELECT TopoGeo_addPolygon('million_poly_topo1', ST_GeometryN(geom,1))<br>
> >> Â FROM ( SELECT geom from million_poly_topo1 order by gid limit 160000) as<br>
> >> f;<br>
> >><br>
> >> Output topology has:<br>
> >><br>
> >> Â 160167 nodes, 160167 edges, 160167 faces<br>
> >><br>
> >> Times:<br>
> >><br>
> >> Â a: before starting<br>
> >> Â b: Ensure face splitting algorithm uses the edge index (#2610)<br>
> >> Â c: Drop all calls to geometry::text during topology population (#2616)<br>
> >><br>
> >>    ST_CreateTopoGeo   TopoGeo_addPolygon<br>
> >> Â Â +-------------------+--------------------+<br>
> >>  a  |   38352283.535  |   38375126.950   |<br>
> >>  b  |   12088554.776  |   9644736.277   |<br>
> >>  c  |   11963757.923  |   4984225.402   |<br>
> >><br>
> >> I've a table with more numbers, with limits from 5000 to 160000.<br>
> >> The index change would make another configuration (d, I guess).<br>
> >><br>
> >> Please please please file the ticket, maybe referencing this thread<br>
> >> and #2610 and #2616 as I'd really love to grow the optimizations further<br>
> >><br>
> >> --strk;<br>
> >> _______________________________________________<br>
> >> postgis-devel mailing list<br>
> >> <a href="mailto:postgis-devel@lists.osgeo.org">postgis-devel@lists.osgeo.org</a><br>
> >> <a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/postgis-devel" target="_blank">http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/postgis-devel</a><br>
> >><br>
> ><br>
> ><br>
> _______________________________________________<br>
> postgis-devel mailing list<br>
> <a href="mailto:postgis-devel@lists.osgeo.org">postgis-devel@lists.osgeo.org</a><br>
> <a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/postgis-devel" target="_blank">http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/postgis-devel</a><br>
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