[postgis-tickets] r16895 - [travis] re-enable logbt on dockerized builds

Darafei komzpa at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 04:06:22 PDT 2018

Author: komzpa
Date: 2018-10-14 16:06:22 -0700 (Sun, 14 Oct 2018)
New Revision: 16895

[travis] re-enable logbt on dockerized builds

Modified: trunk/.travis.yml
--- trunk/.travis.yml	2018-10-14 13:38:16 UTC (rev 16894)
+++ trunk/.travis.yml	2018-10-14 23:06:22 UTC (rev 16895)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   - docker
-sudo: false
+sudo: true
 language: c
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
     - env: tag=latest
+  - echo "/tmp/logbt-coredumps/core.%p.%E" | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
   - echo "FROM postgis/postgis-build-env:${tag}" > Dockerfile
   - echo "ADD --chown=postgres:postgres . /src/postgis" >> Dockerfile
   - echo "CMD bash ci/travis/run_tests.sh && bash .github/codecov.bash" >> Dockerfile

Added: trunk/ci/travis/logbt
--- trunk/ci/travis/logbt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/ci/travis/logbt	2018-10-14 23:06:22 UTC (rev 16895)
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -eu
+set -o pipefail
+# This setting enables the desired behavior in the "for corefile in ${core_directory}/${SEARCH_PATTERN_NON_TRACKED}; do" loop
+# more details at https://gist.github.com/springmeyer/6dd234ff89ba306a73608a6f45cb5506
+shopt -s nullglob
+PLATFORM_UNAME=$(uname -s)
+if [[ ${PLATFORM_UNAME} == "Linux" ]]; then
+  DEBUGGER="gdb"
+elif [[ ${PLATFORM_UNAME} == "Darwin" ]]; then
+  # Recommend running with the following setting to only show crashes
+  # in the notification center
+  # defaults write com.apple.CrashReporter UseUNC 1
+  DEBUGGER="lldb"
+  error "Unsupported platform: ${PLATFORM_UNAME}"
+function error() {
+  >&2 echo "[logbt] $@"
+  exit 1
+function process_core() {
+  local program=${1}
+  local corefile=${2}
+  local debugger=${3}
+  if [[ ${debugger} =~ "lldb" ]]; then
+    lldb --core ${corefile} --batch -o "thread backtrace all" -o "quit"
+  else
+    gdb ${program} --core ${corefile} -ex "set pagination 0" -ex "thread apply all bt full" --batch
+  fi
+  # note: on OS X the -f avoids a hang on prompt "remove write-protected regular file?"
+  rm -f ${corefile}
+function find_core_by_pid() {
+  local program=${1}
+  local core_directory=${2}
+  local debugger=${3}
+  local child_pid=${4}
+  if [[ ${PLATFORM_UNAME} == "Darwin" ]]; then
+    local single_corefile="${core_directory}/${REQUIRED_FILENAME}.${child_pid}"
+    if [ -e ${single_corefile} ]; then
+      echo "[logbt] Found corefile at ${single_corefile}"
+      process_core ${program} ${single_corefile} ${debugger}
+    fi
+  else
+    local SEARCH_PATTERN_BY_PID="${REQUIRED_FILENAME}.${child_pid}.*"
+    # note: this for loop depends on the `shopt -s nullglob` above
+    for corefile in ${core_directory}/${SEARCH_PATTERN_BY_PID}; do
+      echo "[logbt] Found corefile at ${corefile}"
+      # extract program name from corefile
+      filename=$(basename "${corefile}")
+      binary_program=/$(echo ${filename##*.\!} | tr "!" "/")
+      process_core ${binary_program} ${corefile} ${debugger}
+    done
+  fi  
+function find_remaining_cores() {
+  local program=${1}
+  local core_directory=${2}
+  local debugger=${3}
+  local hit=false
+  for corefile in ${core_directory}/${SEARCH_PATTERN_NON_TRACKED}; do
+    echo "[logbt] Found corefile (non-tracked) at ${corefile}"
+    hit=true
+  done
+  if [[ ${hit} == true ]]; then
+    echo "[logbt] Processing cores..."
+  fi
+  for corefile in ${core_directory}/${SEARCH_PATTERN_NON_TRACKED}; do
+    # below two lines are linux specific, but harmless to run on osx
+    filename=$(basename "${corefile}")
+    binary_program=/$(echo ${filename##*.\!} | tr "!" "/")
+    process_core ${binary_program} ${corefile} ${debugger}
+  done
+function snapshot {
+  local program=${1}
+  local debugger=${2}
+  local child_pid=${3}
+  echo "[logbt] snapshotting ${program} (${child_pid})"
+  if [[ ${debugger} =~ "lldb" ]]; then
+    lldb -p ${child_pid} --batch -o "thread backtrace all" -o "quit"
+  else
+    gdb --pid ${child_pid} -ex "set pagination 0" -ex "thread apply all bt full" --batch
+  fi
+function backtrace {
+  local program=${1}
+  local core_directory=${2}
+  local debugger=${3}
+  local child_pid=${4}
+  local child_return=${5}
+  find_core_by_pid ${program} ${core_directory} ${debugger} ${child_pid}
+  find_remaining_cores ${program} ${core_directory} ${debugger}
+function warn_on_existing_cores() {
+  local core_directory=${1}
+  for corefile in ${core_directory}/${SEARCH_PATTERN_NON_TRACKED}; do
+    echo "[logbt] WARNING: Found corefile (existing) at ${corefile}"
+  done
+function error_on_existing_cores() {
+  local core_directory=${1}
+  for corefile in ${core_directory}/${SEARCH_PATTERN_NON_TRACKED}; do
+    error "Error: Found corefile (unexpected) at ${corefile}"
+  done  
+function ensure_directory_is_writeable() {
+  # ensure we can write to the directory, otherwise
+  # core files might not be able to be written
+  touch ${core_directory}/test.txt || WRITE_RETURN=$?
+  if [[ ${WRITE_RETURN} != 0 ]]; then
+    error "Permissions problem: unable to write to ${core_directory} (exited with ${WRITE_RETURN})"
+  else
+    # cleanup from test
+    rm ${core_directory}/test.txt
+  fi  
+function get_target_core_pattern() {
+function get_core_pattern() {
+  if [[ ${PLATFORM_UNAME} == "Linux" ]]; then
+    local core_pattern=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern)
+  elif [[ ${PLATFORM_UNAME} == "Darwin" ]]; then
+    # Recommend running with the following setting to only show crashes
+    # in the notification center
+    # defaults write com.apple.CrashReporter UseUNC 1
+    local core_pattern=$(sysctl -n kern.corefile)
+  fi
+  echo ${core_pattern}
+function validate_core_pattern() {
+  local core_pattern=${1}
+  if [[ ! ${core_pattern} =~ ${REQUIRED_PATTERN} ]]; then
+    error "unexpected core_pattern: ${core_pattern}"
+  fi  
+function generic_signal_handler() {
+  local code=$?
+  local program=${1}
+  local child_pid=${2}
+  local sig=${3}
+  # Bug note: On darwin ${code} will be incorrectly 0 after snapshot here
+  # so we ignore ${code} and instead get it from the signal
+  code=$(($(kill -l ${sig})+128))
+  echo "[logbt] received signal:${code} (${sig})"
+  echo "[logbt] sending SIGTERM to ${program} (${child_pid})"
+  # sleep here to help the stdout show in the right
+  # order (accounts for an intermittant case where the above lines print after
+  # the child outputs stdout during shutdown)
+  sleep 1
+  kill -TERM ${child_pid} || KILL_RETURN=$?
+  if [[ ${KILL_RETURN} != 0 ]]; then
+    echo "[logbt] could not terminate child process (kill returned ${KILL_RETURN})"
+  else
+    wait ${child_pid} || CHILD_EXIT=$?
+    if [[ ${CHILD_EXIT} != 143 ]]; then
+      error "child process exited abnormally: ${CHILD_EXIT}"
+    fi
+  fi
+  echo "[logbt] exiting with ${code}"
+  exit ${code}
+: '
+NOTE: SIGINT (aka ctrl-c) is special. First of all SIGINT is sent to the whole process group
+automatically in bash (http://stackoverflow.com/a/6804155). This means we do not need to reap
+the child process manually. And if logbt is a "foreground" process then SIGINT is ignored if
+sent directly with ./bin/logbt <args> & kill -INT $! (http://stackoverflow.com/a/14697034).
+So the only way to send SIGINT is with ctrl-c or via another terminal that has a different
+process group.
+function sigint_handler() {
+  local code=$?
+  local program=${1}
+  local child_pid=${2}
+  local sig=${3}
+  echo "[logbt] received signal:${code} (${sig})"
+  wait ${child_pid} || CHILD_EXIT=$?
+  if [[ ${CHILD_EXIT} != 130 ]]; then
+    echo "[logbt] child process exited with:${CHILD_EXIT}"
+  fi
+  exit ${code}
+function launch_and_wait() {
+  local program=${1}
+  local core_pattern=$(get_core_pattern)
+  validate_core_pattern ${core_pattern}
+  local core_directory=$(dirname ${core_pattern})
+  echo "[logbt] using corefile location: ${core_directory}"
+  echo "[logbt] using core_pattern: $(basename ${core_pattern})"
+  # ensure we have a debugger installed
+  if ! which ${DEBUGGER} > /dev/null; then
+    error "Could not find required command '${DEBUGGER}'"
+  fi
+  if [[ ! -d ${core_directory} ]]; then
+    echo "[logbt] creating directory for core files at '${core_directory}'"
+    mkdir -p -m a+w ${core_directory}
+  fi
+  ensure_directory_is_writeable ${core_directory}
+  warn_on_existing_cores ${core_directory}
+  # Enable corefile generation
+  ulimit -c unlimited
+  # Run the child process in a background process
+  # in order to get the PID
+  if [[ ${LD_PRELOAD:-} ]] && [[ ${PLATFORM_UNAME} == 'Darwin' ]]; then
+      # on os x DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES is blocked from being inherited
+      # so we accept LD_PRELOAD and foreward along
+  else
+      LOGBT_PID=$$ "$@" & CHILD_PID=$!
+  fi
+  # Hook up function to run when logbt received signal
+  trap "snapshot ${program} ${DEBUGGER} ${CHILD_PID}" USR1
+  trap "generic_signal_handler ${program} ${CHILD_PID} TERM" TERM
+  trap "generic_signal_handler ${program} ${CHILD_PID} HUP" HUP
+  trap "sigint_handler ${program} ${CHILD_PID} INT" INT
+  # Wait for child and attempt to generate a backtrace if child exits in non-zero way
+  wait_for_child ${program} ${core_directory} ${DEBUGGER} ${CHILD_PID}
+function wait_for_child() {
+  local program=${1}
+  local core_directory=${2}
+  local debugger=${3}
+  local child_pid=${4}
+  wait ${child_pid} || CHILD_RETURN=$?
+  # Bug note: on linux USR1 will trigger an exit which makes it looks like the child
+  # has returned when it has not. So the below code ensures we stay alive and watching
+  # the child if USR1 is hit
+  if [[ $(uname -s) == 'Linux' ]] && [[ $(kill -l ${CHILD_RETURN}) == USR1 ]]; then
+    wait_for_child ${program} ${core_directory} ${debugger} ${child_pid}
+  fi
+  if [[ ${CHILD_RETURN} == 127 ]]; then
+    # command not found : http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html
+    echo "[logbt] command not found: ${program}"
+  elif [[ ${CHILD_RETURN} != 0 ]]; then
+    local exit_msg="saw '${program}' exit with code:${CHILD_RETURN}"
+    exit_msg="${exit_msg} ($(kill -l ${CHILD_RETURN}))"
+    echo "[logbt] ${exit_msg}"
+    backtrace ${program} ${core_directory} ${DEBUGGER} ${child_pid} ${CHILD_RETURN}
+  fi
+  # exit logbt with the same code as the child
+  exit ${CHILD_RETURN}
+function setup_logbt() {
+  local settable_core_pattern=$(get_target_core_pattern)
+  if [[ ${PLATFORM_UNAME} == "Linux" ]]; then
+    echo "[logbt] setting $(cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern) -> ${settable_core_pattern}"
+    # write new value to /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
+    echo "${settable_core_pattern}" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
+  elif [[ ${PLATFORM_UNAME} == "Darwin" ]]; then
+    echo "[logbt] setting $(sysctl -n kern.corefile) -> ${settable_core_pattern}"
+    sysctl kern.corefile=${settable_core_pattern}
+  fi
+  local core_pattern=$(get_core_pattern)
+  validate_core_pattern ${core_pattern}
+  local core_directory=$(dirname ${core_pattern})
+  if [[ ! -d ${core_directory} ]]; then
+    echo "[logbt] creating directory for core files at '${core_directory}'"
+    mkdir -p -m a+w ${core_directory}
+  fi
+  error_on_existing_cores ${core_directory}
+function test_logbt() {
+  ulimit -c unlimited
+  # First we create a program that crashes itself
+  # We use bash to avoid needing an external dep on some runtime
+  # Due to https://github.com/mapbox/logbt/issues/29 we need to copy the bash
+  # exe on OS X to a new location since coredumps are disabled for /bin/bash for
+  # reasons I don't understand
+  if [[ ${PLATFORM_UNAME} == "Darwin" ]]; then
+      # first touch file to create it with writable permissions for this user
+      # such that we can cleanup after
+      # then copy the system bash there
+      cp --no-preserve=all $(which bash) /tmp/tmp-bash
+      chmod +x /tmp/tmp-bash
+      echo '#!/tmp/tmp-bash' > /tmp/crasher.sh
+  else
+    # on linux the default bash is okay
+      echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > /tmp/crasher.sh
+  fi
+  echo 'kill -SIGSEGV $$' >> /tmp/crasher.sh
+  chmod +x /tmp/crasher.sh
+  # run it in logbt
+  ${BASH_SOURCE} -- /tmp/crasher.sh >/tmp/logbt-stdout 2>/tmp/logbt-stderr || RETURN=$?
+  local err_message
+  if [[ ${RETURN} != 139 ]] || [[ ! $(cat /tmp/logbt-stdout) =~ "Found corefile at" ]]; then
+    cat /tmp/logbt-stdout
+    cat /tmp/logbt-stderr
+    err_message="Expected return code of 139 and a corefile to be generated"
+  fi
+  if [[ ! $(cat /tmp/logbt-stdout) =~ "Found corefile at" ]]; then
+    cat /tmp/logbt-stdout
+    cat /tmp/logbt-stderr
+    err_message="Expected a corefile to be generated"
+  fi
+  # cleanup
+  rm -f /tmp/logbt-stderr
+  rm -f /tmp/logbt-stdout
+  rm -f /tmp/crasher.sh
+  rm -f /tmp/tmp-bash
+  if [[ ${err_message:-} ]]; then
+    error ${err_message}
+  else
+    echo "[logbt] test success (coredumps are working with core pattern: '$(get_core_pattern)')"
+  fi
+function usage() {
+  >&2 echo "Usage for logbt:"
+  >&2 echo ""
+  >&2 echo "Setup logbt (requires root privileges):"
+  >&2 echo ""
+  >&2 echo "$ sudo logbt --setup"
+  >&2 echo ""
+  >&2 echo "Test logbt is setup correctly"
+  >&2 echo ""
+  >&2 echo "$ logbt --test"
+  >&2 echo ""
+  >&2 echo "Launch a program with logbt:"
+  >&2 echo ""
+  >&2 echo "$ logbt -- ./program"
+  >&2 echo ""
+  >&2 echo "Other commands are:"
+  >&2 echo ""
+  >&2 echo " --current-pattern"
+  >&2 echo " --target-pattern"
+  >&2 echo " --version"
+  exit 1
+function get_version() {
+  echo ${LOGBT_VERSION}
+if [[ ! ${1:-} ]]; then
+  usage
+# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/192249/how-do-i-parse-command-line-arguments-in-bash
+for i in "$@"
+case $i in
+    --)
+    if [[ ! ${2:-} ]]; then
+      usage
+    fi
+    shift
+    launch_and_wait "$@"
+    ;;
+    --setup)
+    setup_logbt
+    shift
+    ;;
+    --test)
+    test_logbt
+    shift
+    ;;
+    --current-pattern)
+    get_core_pattern
+    ;;
+    --target-pattern)
+    get_target_core_pattern
+    ;;
+    -v | --version)
+    get_version
+    shift
+    ;;
+    -h | --help)
+    usage
+    shift
+    ;;
+    *)
+    usage
+    ;;

Modified: trunk/ci/travis/run_tests.sh
--- trunk/ci/travis/run_tests.sh	2018-10-14 13:38:16 UTC (rev 16894)
+++ trunk/ci/travis/run_tests.sh	2018-10-14 23:06:22 UTC (rev 16895)
@@ -10,13 +10,11 @@
 CFLAGS_COV="-g -O0 --coverage"
-/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -l /tmp/logfile start
+/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -c -l /tmp/logfile start
-make -j
-RUNTESTFLAGS="-v" make check
+bash ./ci/travis/logbt -- make -j check RUNTESTFLAGS=--verbose
-make -j
-make check
+make -j check

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