[postgis-tickets] [SCM] postgis.net branch website-pr updated. 11c1a55c07b0113fe626e929dc490d8e0f0e3ed3

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Wed May 10 14:42:37 PDT 2023

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "postgis.net".

The branch, website-pr has been updated
       via  11c1a55c07b0113fe626e929dc490d8e0f0e3ed3 (commit)
      from  82f0a0305685934a2d943b97f1e45d6888ea7833 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 11c1a55c07b0113fe626e929dc490d8e0f0e3ed3
Author: Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca>
Date:   Wed May 10 14:42:33 2023 -0700


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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcc698b
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/community/events/2023-foss4g-na/foss4g2023na-logo.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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 6 130.128906 176.535156 126.644531 C 172.277344 128.027344 169.097656 131.507812 167.597656 133.429688 C 167 134.210938 166.699219 134.691406 166.699219 134.691406 C 166.640625 134.808594 166.519531 134.871094 166.398438 134.992188 C 167.898438 137.03125 173.773438 142.855469 193.207031 145.4375 C 193.566406 139.851562 193.804688 136.851562 196.203125 133.429688 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#ea2030" d="M 171.257812 110.976562 C 168.4375 111.996094 165.621094 113.796875 164.71875 117.519531 L 166.519531 131.929688 C 168.558594 129.46875 172.695312 125.203125 178.574219 124.425781 L 176.054688 110.074219 C 175.035156 110.074219 173.175781 110.253906 171.257812 110.976562 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#ea2030" d="M 162.921875 117.21875 C 163.402344 115.117188 164.359375 113.496094 165.621094 112.296875 C 163.28125 112.476562 158.484375 111.996094 150.507812 107.554688 C 150.507812 107.554688 150.027344 107.3125 149.789062 107.3125 C 149.7890
 62 107.3125 149.308594 107.3125 149.726562 107.914062 C 149.847656 108.09375 150.027344 108.335938 150.207031 108.515625 C 150.207031 108.515625 150.265625 108.515625 150.265625 108.574219 L 163.519531 122.324219 L 162.921875 117.519531 Z M 162.921875 117.21875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><g clip-path="url(#b300b8189d)"><path fill="#1c3667" d="M 187.347656 18.597656 C 94.113281 18.597656 18.597656 94.113281 18.597656 187.347656 C 18.597656 280.582031 94.113281 356.097656 187.347656 356.097656 C 280.582031 356.097656 356.097656 280.582031 356.097656 187.347656 C 356.097656 94.113281 280.582031 18.597656 187.347656 18.597656 Z M 187.347656 322.347656 C 112.761719 322.347656 52.347656 261.9375 52.347656 187.347656 C 52.347656 112.761719 112.761719 52.347656 187.347656 52.347656 C 261.9375 52.347656 322.347656 112.761719 322.347656 187.347656 C 322.347656 261.9375 261.9375 322.347656 187.347656 322.347656 Z M 187.347656 322.347656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g>
 <g clip-path="url(#4765e4e6c1)"><path fill="#1c3667" d="M 185.515625 46.015625 C 108.441406 46.015625 46.015625 108.441406 46.015625 185.515625 C 46.015625 262.589844 108.441406 325.015625 185.515625 325.015625 C 262.589844 325.015625 325.015625 262.589844 325.015625 185.515625 C 325.015625 108.441406 262.589844 46.015625 185.515625 46.015625 Z M 185.515625 297.117188 C 123.855469 297.117188 73.917969 247.175781 73.917969 185.515625 C 73.917969 123.855469 123.855469 73.917969 185.515625 73.917969 C 247.175781 73.917969 297.117188 123.855469 297.117188 185.515625 C 297.117188 247.175781 247.175781 297.117188 185.515625 297.117188 Z M 185.515625 297.117188 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#f36a4a7d6d)"><path fill="#1c3667" d="M 187.273438 72.148438 C 123.664062 72.148438 72.148438 123.664062 72.148438 187.273438 C 72.148438 250.878906 123.664062 302.398438 187.273438 302.398438 C 250.878906 302.398438 302.398438 250.878906 302.398438 187.273438 C 302.39843
 8 123.664062 250.878906 72.148438 187.273438 72.148438 Z M 187.273438 279.371094 C 136.386719 279.371094 95.171875 238.15625 95.171875 187.273438 C 95.171875 136.386719 136.386719 95.171875 187.273438 95.171875 C 238.15625 95.171875 279.371094 136.386719 279.371094 187.273438 C 279.371094 238.15625 238.15625 279.371094 187.273438 279.371094 Z M 187.273438 279.371094 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="#f34c31" d="M 223.265625 157.207031 L 226.417969 156.007812 C 226.417969 156.007812 232.121094 160.660156 232.667969 161.597656 C 233.214844 162.535156 234.445312 168.523438 234.445312 169.707031 C 234.445312 170.570312 232.585938 176.265625 232.082031 176.996094 C 231.582031 177.726562 226.417969 182.699219 226.417969 182.699219 C 226.417969 182.699219 218.386719 187.84375 218.386719 188.421875 C 218.386719 189 218.265625 181.550781 218.265625 181.550781 C 218.265625 181.550781 224.589844 174.609375 224.59375 173.691406 C 224.59375 172.441406 222.9375 163.136719 22
 3.039062 163.722656 C 223.144531 164.304688 223.265625 157.207031 223.265625 157.207031 Z M 223.265625 157.207031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f34c31" d="M 217.171875 188.664062 C 217.171875 188.664062 222.710938 188.429688 223.289062 188.132812 C 223.867188 187.832031 231.1875 185.390625 231.6875 185.121094 C 232.183594 184.851562 238.292969 178.4375 238.292969 178.4375 C 238.292969 178.4375 240.28125 170.902344 240.179688 170.617188 C 240.074219 170.335938 239.972656 162.109375 239.972656 162.109375 C 239.972656 162.109375 238.636719 155.867188 238.550781 155.355469 C 238.464844 154.84375 233.71875 149.054688 234.214844 148.957031 C 234.710938 148.855469 240.738281 152.992188 241.027344 153.265625 C 241.320312 153.539062 243.246094 157.949219 243.421875 158.320312 C 243.597656 158.691406 243.914062 162.28125 243.914062 162.28125 C 243.914062 162.28125 245.796875 169.609375 245.796875 170.375 C 245.796875 171.140625 244.703125 180.5 244.363281 181.183594 C 2
 44.027344 181.867188 236.964844 188.558594 236.6875 188.765625 C 234.289062 190.535156 226.011719 193.976562 225.738281 194.039062 C 225.46875 194.097656 224.316406 194.09375 224.230469 194.109375 C 223.828125 194.199219 216.742188 194.792969 216.742188 194.792969 Z M 217.171875 188.664062 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><g clip-path="url(#2650fb8f23)"><path fill="#f34c31" d="M 215.871094 196.699219 L 223.074219 196.5 L 234.996094 193.535156 L 246.597656 186.101562 C 246.597656 186.101562 250.511719 180.570312 250.871094 179.875 C 251.230469 179.183594 252.898438 170.820312 253.488281 169.421875 C 254.078125 168.023438 254.515625 179.015625 254.515625 180.066406 C 254.515625 181.121094 252.449219 187.128906 251.945312 187.777344 C 251.441406 188.425781 243.628906 194.621094 243.171875 194.800781 C 242.714844 194.980469 238.140625 196.519531 238.140625 196.519531 C 238.140625 196.519531 233.988281 198.996094 233.441406 199.113281 C 232.898438 199.230469 224.671875 201.273438 
 223.359375 201.273438 C 222.042969 201.273438 212.429688 203.140625 212.429688 203.140625 Z M 215.871094 196.699219 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><g clip-path="url(#b412768193)"><path fill="#f34c31" d="M 211.566406 204.964844 L 220.609375 204.207031 L 232.359375 201.105469 C 232.359375 201.105469 241.285156 200.914062 242.375 201.195312 C 243.464844 201.480469 252.757812 205.410156 253.199219 206.214844 C 253.636719 207.019531 254.796875 213.691406 254.621094 214.597656 C 254.441406 215.503906 252.210938 218.785156 251.851562 219.171875 C 251.492188 219.558594 248.234375 222.796875 248.398438 222.167969 C 248.566406 221.539062 250.96875 216.140625 251.089844 215.496094 C 251.210938 214.847656 248.929688 209.207031 248.5625 208.785156 C 248.195312 208.367188 240.472656 206.117188 240.472656 206.117188 C 240.472656 206.117188 230.878906 206.371094 229.753906 206.476562 C 228.628906 206.578125 220.351562 208.859375 219.4375 209.066406 C 218.523438 209.277344 210.488281 20
 9.238281 210.488281 209.238281 Z M 211.566406 204.964844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="#f34c31" d="M 206.832031 210.824219 L 218.554688 212.238281 C 218.554688 212.238281 228.425781 211.53125 229.464844 211.695312 C 230.5 211.859375 237.875 215.007812 238.597656 215.871094 C 239.316406 216.738281 241.316406 222.28125 241.148438 223.058594 C 240.976562 223.839844 237.15625 228.757812 236.671875 229.285156 C 236.183594 229.808594 229.167969 233.019531 228.910156 232.808594 C 228.648438 232.59375 232.625 229.265625 232.910156 228.921875 C 233.445312 228.296875 235.730469 223.699219 235.683594 223.039062 C 235.632812 222.375 232.214844 217.75 231.683594 217.417969 C 231.152344 217.085938 224.265625 216.761719 223.734375 216.792969 C 223.203125 216.820312 216.109375 217.359375 215.058594 217.300781 C 214.003906 217.242188 207.464844 215.984375 207.464844 215.984375 L 200.777344 212.535156 Z M 206.832031 210.824219 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fi
 ll="#f34c31" d="M 154.425781 188.007812 C 154.585938 185.890625 163.988281 178.226562 166.320312 177.148438 C 169.023438 175.898438 199.046875 173.484375 202.1875 174.128906 C 205.332031 174.773438 217.476562 180.535156 218.949219 182.558594 C 220.421875 184.582031 218.21875 201.042969 217.53125 203.085938 C 216.839844 205.128906 205.269531 216.984375 203.964844 217.882812 C 202.660156 218.785156 193.125 222.925781 190.921875 222.925781 C 188.71875 222.925781 175.445312 219.929688 173.460938 219.078125 C 171.480469 218.226562 161.59375 209.441406 160.484375 208.105469 C 159.375 206.769531 154.25 190.398438 154.425781 188.007812 Z M 154.425781 188.007812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><g clip-path="url(#63d1d0b317)"><path fill="#f34c31" d="M 200.019531 152.609375 C 200.019531 152.609375 204.9375 157.933594 206.148438 158.824219 C 207.359375 159.714844 214.226562 162.640625 215.40625 162.640625 C 216.585938 162.640625 223.378906 160.953125 223.753906 160.402344 C 224.132812 1
 59.855469 226.476562 157.042969 226.476562 156.335938 C 226.476562 155.625 225.429688 149.488281 224.933594 147.972656 C 224.4375 146.457031 219.378906 138.777344 218.496094 138.191406 C 217.613281 137.605469 208.550781 135.28125 207.207031 135.28125 C 205.859375 135.28125 194.503906 140.214844 194.503906 140.730469 C 194.503906 141.246094 207.351562 144.914062 207.351562 144.914062 L 216.339844 152.316406 C 216.339844 152.316406 211.042969 152.824219 209.703125 152.722656 C 208.363281 152.617188 198.433594 149.0625 197.832031 148.808594 C 197.234375 148.550781 200.019531 152.609375 200.019531 152.609375 Z M 200.019531 152.609375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="#f34c31" d="M 146.839844 169.792969 L 143.535156 169.300781 C 143.535156 169.300781 138.769531 174.644531 138.398438 175.613281 C 138.023438 176.585938 137.898438 182.285156 138.125 183.375 C 138.277344 184.160156 141.140625 189.011719 141.753906 189.585938 C 142.367188 190.15625 148.332031 193.71875 1
 48.332031 193.71875 C 148.332031 193.71875 157.144531 196.871094 157.246094 197.417969 C 157.347656 197.960938 156.128906 191.109375 156.128906 191.109375 C 156.128906 191.109375 148.671875 185.96875 148.503906 185.132812 C 148.273438 183.988281 148.230469 175.164062 148.230469 175.71875 C 148.230469 176.269531 146.839844 169.792969 146.839844 169.792969 Z M 146.839844 169.792969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f34c31" d="M 158.238281 197.316406 C 158.238281 197.316406 152.886719 198.761719 152.246094 198.648438 C 151.605469 198.535156 143.878906 198.40625 143.332031 198.300781 C 142.785156 198.195312 135.003906 193.914062 135.003906 193.914062 C 135.003906 193.914062 130.808594 187.332031 130.824219 187.027344 C 130.84375 186.722656 128.4375 178.851562 128.4375 178.851562 C 128.4375 178.851562 127.8125 172.5 127.738281 171.984375 C 127.667969 171.46875 130.429688 164.527344 129.933594 164.582031 C 129.4375 164.636719 124.9375 170.386719 124.75 170.746094 C 124.
 558594 171.105469 124.050781 175.886719 123.996094 176.285156 C 123.941406 176.683594 124.734375 180.210938 124.734375 180.210938 C 124.734375 180.210938 125.164062 187.761719 125.398438 188.492188 C 125.632812 189.222656 129.511719 197.8125 130.058594 198.367188 C 130.605469 198.917969 139.363281 203.171875 139.6875 203.285156 C 142.511719 204.25 151.449219 205.046875 151.730469 205.019531 C 152.007812 204.996094 153.101562 204.644531 153.183594 204.636719 C 153.597656 204.601562 160.53125 203.035156 160.53125 203.035156 Z M 158.238281 197.316406 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f34c31" d="M 161.921875 204.585938 L 154.996094 206.558594 L 142.730469 207.316406 L 129.410156 203.714844 C 129.410156 203.714844 124 199.628906 123.445312 199.0625 C 122.894531 198.5 118.761719 191.039062 117.773438 189.882812 C 116.789062 188.730469 119.707031 199.339844 120.03125 200.339844 C 120.355469 201.34375 124.144531 206.453125 124.824219 206.921875 C 125.507812 207.390625 134
 .832031 210.945312 135.328125 210.976562 C 135.820312 211.003906 140.644531 211.101562 140.644531 211.101562 C 140.644531 211.101562 145.355469 212.21875 145.910156 212.167969 C 146.460938 212.113281 154.925781 211.589844 156.179688 211.195312 C 157.4375 210.796875 167.144531 209.699219 167.144531 209.699219 Z M 161.921875 204.585938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f34c31" d="M 168.550781 211.171875 L 159.703125 213.167969 L 147.566406 213.738281 C 147.566406 213.738281 138.996094 216.234375 138.042969 216.835938 C 137.09375 217.433594 129.425781 223.96875 129.25 224.871094 C 129.074219 225.769531 130 232.472656 130.441406 233.285156 C 130.886719 234.097656 134.007812 236.554688 134.472656 236.8125 C 134.9375 237.074219 139.019531 239.183594 138.675781 238.628906 C 138.328125 238.074219 134.382812 233.664062 134.066406 233.074219 C 133.75 232.488281 134.21875 226.433594 134.4375 225.921875 C 134.660156 225.410156 141.339844 220.945312 141.339844 220.945312 C 141
 .339844 220.945312 150.5625 218.308594 151.667969 218.070312 C 152.773438 217.828125 161.355469 217.523438 162.289062 217.441406 C 163.222656 217.355469 170.867188 214.917969 170.867188 214.917969 Z M 168.550781 211.171875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f34c31" d="M 174.832031 215.335938 L 164.085938 220.207031 C 164.085938 220.207031 154.457031 222.5 153.527344 222.972656 C 152.597656 223.445312 146.515625 228.65625 146.089844 229.699219 C 145.664062 230.738281 145.441406 236.625 145.839844 237.316406 C 146.238281 238.003906 151.375 241.535156 152 241.898438 C 152.625 242.257812 160.285156 243.203125 160.46875 242.929688 C 160.652344 242.65625 155.847656 240.664062 155.472656 240.429688 C 154.773438 239.992188 151.195312 236.296875 151.042969 235.652344 C 150.894531 235.003906 152.742188 229.570312 153.144531 229.09375 C 153.550781 228.617188 160.019531 226.238281 160.546875 226.09375 C 161.078125 225.953125 167.988281 224.347656 168.976562 223.976562 C 169.96
 0938 223.601562 175.808594 220.433594 175.808594 220.433594 L 181.136719 215.132812 Z M 174.832031 215.335938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f34c31" d="M 168.855469 161.957031 C 168.855469 161.957031 164.722656 167.90625 163.644531 168.957031 C 162.566406 170.003906 156.175781 173.835938 155.007812 174 C 153.839844 174.160156 146.867188 173.4375 146.429688 172.945312 C 145.992188 172.457031 143.265625 169.996094 143.167969 169.292969 C 143.070312 168.589844 143.246094 162.367188 143.53125 160.800781 C 143.8125 159.230469 147.75 150.925781 148.542969 150.226562 C 149.335938 149.523438 157.984375 145.972656 159.332031 145.78125 C 160.675781 145.59375 172.605469 148.921875 172.664062 149.421875 C 172.726562 149.917969 160.523438 155.335938 160.523438 155.335938 L 152.652344 163.894531 C 152.652344 163.894531 157.957031 163.683594 159.269531 163.382812 C 160.578125 163.082031 169.9375 158.226562 170.488281 157.898438 C 171.039062 157.574219 168.855469 161.957031 16
 8.855469 161.957031 Z M 168.855469 161.957031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#36342f" d="M 173.160156 176.738281 C 173.09375 175.917969 172.433594 174.867188 172.183594 174.691406 C 171.476562 174.285156 170.714844 174.066406 169.902344 174.023438 C 169.6875 174.042969 168.238281 174.523438 168.023438 174.742188 C 167.667969 175.097656 167.070312 176.496094 167.171875 176.941406 C 167.277344 177.386719 167.753906 178.515625 168.023438 178.742188 C 168.292969 178.972656 169.394531 179.597656 169.921875 179.5625 C 170.582031 179.496094 171.222656 179.347656 171.84375 179.117188 C 172.21875 178.839844 172.550781 178.527344 172.847656 178.167969 C 173.011719 177.703125 173.117188 177.226562 173.160156 176.738281 Z M 173.160156 176.738281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#36342f" d="M 195.332031 174.648438 C 195.398438 175.46875 196.058594 176.519531 196.3125 176.699219 C 197.019531 177.101562 197.777344 177.324219 198.59375 177.363281 C 198.804688
  177.347656 200.253906 176.867188 200.46875 176.648438 C 200.828125 176.289062 201.425781 174.890625 201.320312 174.445312 C 201.214844 174 200.738281 172.875 200.46875 172.644531 C 200.203125 172.410156 199.101562 171.789062 198.570312 171.824219 C 197.90625 171.890625 197.261719 172.039062 196.636719 172.269531 C 196.265625 172.546875 195.929688 172.863281 195.632812 173.21875 C 195.476562 173.683594 195.375 174.160156 195.332031 174.648438 Z M 195.332031 174.648438 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 210.480469 187.863281 L 208.382812 199.875 L 203.75 208.679688 L 196.300781 215.800781 L 203.390625 212.867188 L 209.652344 205.019531 L 211.054688 194.800781 Z M 210.480469 187.863281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 147.636719 157.546875 L 149.363281 152.09375 L 156.53125 147.90625 L 152.082031 151.816406 Z M 147.636719 157.546875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 205.292969 137.984375 L 
 209.789062 137.007812 L 216.734375 139.800781 L 218.265625 141.617188 L 211.78125 139.3125 Z M 205.292969 137.984375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 228.058594 160.617188 L 230.589844 162.625 L 231.992188 168.582031 Z M 228.058594 160.617188 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 143.144531 172.226562 L 140.230469 175.847656 L 140.230469 178.921875 Z M 143.144531 172.226562 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 243.730469 171.445312 L 242.535156 179.550781 L 239.722656 183.949219 L 243.023438 181.085938 L 244.007812 174.601562 Z M 243.730469 171.445312 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 246.339844 190.011719 L 250.558594 185.785156 L 252.609375 182.429688 L 251.175781 186.257812 L 249.765625 187.867188 Z M 246.339844 190.011719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 241.15625 202.144531 L 246.75 203.71875 L 249.84375 206.03125 L 245.79687
 5 204.089844 Z M 241.15625 202.144531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 232.074219 213.628906 L 236.6875 215.726562 L 238.054688 217.289062 L 238.878906 219.503906 L 235.59375 215.765625 Z M 232.074219 213.628906 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 127.929688 188.003906 L 131.289062 195.480469 L 135.195312 198.960938 L 131.234375 197.09375 L 128.519531 191.117188 Z M 127.929688 188.003906 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 130.6875 207.445312 L 125.476562 204.515625 L 122.585938 201.835938 L 125.011719 205.132812 L 126.808594 206.300781 Z M 130.6875 207.445312 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 140.277344 216.847656 L 135.324219 219.867188 L 132.980469 222.929688 L 136.339844 219.96875 Z M 140.277344 216.847656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="#f26d3d" d="M 151.453125 226.160156 L 147.585938 229.421875 L 146.691406 231.292969 L 146.5 233.6484
 38 L 148.644531 229.167969 Z M 151.453125 226.160156 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(73.597525, 154.001464)"><g><path d="M -14 -43.734375 L -20.660156 -47.683594 L -33.859375 -25.429688 L 2.347656 -3.957031 L 6.8125 -11.488281 L -7.957031 -20.25 L -0.429688 -32.945312 L -7.089844 -36.898438 L -14.621094 -24.199219 L -22.730469 -29.011719 Z M -14 -43.734375 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(83.360781, 133.1882)"><g><path d="M 17.714844 -16.730469 C 21.945312 -20.914062 24.117188 -25.980469 24.148438 -31.933594 C 24.179688 -37.886719 22.105469 -43.019531 17.882812 -47.289062 C 13.699219 -51.519531 8.59375 -53.648438 2.640625 -53.683594 C -3.3125 -53.714844 -8.445312 -51.640625 -12.675781 -47.457031 C -16.945312 -43.234375 -19.078125 -38.125 -19.109375 -32.171875 C -19.144531 -26.21875 -17.027344 -21.128906 -12.84375 -16.898438 C -8.621094 -12.628906 -3.554688 -10.457031 2.398438 
 -10.425781 C 8.351562 -10.390625 13.445312 -12.507812 17.714844 -16.730469 Z M 11.675781 -22.835938 C 9.042969 -20.230469 5.980469 -18.9375 2.445312 -18.996094 C -1.085938 -18.976562 -4.132812 -20.304688 -6.738281 -22.9375 C -9.304688 -25.53125 -10.597656 -28.59375 -10.578125 -32.164062 C -10.558594 -35.660156 -9.269531 -38.746094 -6.636719 -41.351562 C -4.042969 -43.917969 -0.941406 -45.167969 2.59375 -45.191406 C 6.125 -45.128906 9.210938 -43.84375 11.777344 -41.25 C 14.382812 -38.617188 15.636719 -35.511719 15.617188 -32.019531 C 15.597656 -28.449219 14.269531 -25.398438 11.675781 -22.835938 Z M 11.675781 -22.835938 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(111.441898, 105.209813)"><g><path d="M 14.9375 -7.910156 C 18.394531 -9.890625 20.761719 -12.539062 22.03125 -15.851562 C 23.300781 -19.167969 23.039062 -22.445312 21.171875 -25.710938 C 20.140625 -27.511719 18.878906 -28.921875 17.511719 -29.953125 C 16.097656 -30.953125 14.65625 -31.550781 13.
 238281 -31.773438 C 11.769531 -31.964844 10.230469 -32.054688 8.726562 -31.96875 C 7.171875 -31.855469 5.675781 -31.644531 4.285156 -31.367188 C 2.84375 -31.058594 1.472656 -30.855469 0.246094 -30.734375 C -1 -30.539062 -2.132812 -30.601562 -3.109375 -30.949219 C -4.105469 -31.21875 -4.84375 -31.832031 -5.34375 -32.707031 C -5.984375 -33.828125 -6.148438 -34.898438 -5.703125 -35.929688 C -5.308594 -36.933594 -4.5 -37.78125 -3.332031 -38.453125 C -1.1875 -39.679688 1.46875 -39.78125 4.519531 -38.746094 L 6.859375 -46.292969 C 4.601562 -47.070312 2.296875 -47.367188 -0.179688 -47.179688 C -2.65625 -46.988281 -4.980469 -46.304688 -7.125 -45.074219 C -10.242188 -43.289062 -12.390625 -40.832031 -13.570312 -37.695312 C -14.75 -34.5625 -14.367188 -31.292969 -12.46875 -27.980469 C -11.15625 -25.691406 -9.484375 -24.125 -7.453125 -23.285156 C -5.390625 -22.398438 -3.335938 -22.085938 -1.261719 -22.304688 C 0.8125 -22.519531 2.878906 -22.863281 4.871094 -23.230469 C 6.859375 -23.59375 8.66406
 2 -23.71875 10.277344 -23.609375 C 11.921875 -23.453125 13.09375 -22.761719 13.789062 -21.546875 C 14.460938 -20.378906 14.503906 -19.171875 14.015625 -17.988281 C 13.53125 -16.804688 12.480469 -15.816406 10.96875 -14.949219 C 9.265625 -13.972656 7.503906 -13.546875 5.738281 -13.699219 C 3.917969 -13.824219 2.277344 -14.433594 0.777344 -15.582031 L -3.203125 -8.191406 C -0.667969 -6.472656 2.203125 -5.53125 5.472656 -5.464844 C 8.773438 -5.347656 11.917969 -6.179688 14.9375 -7.910156 Z M 14.9375 -7.910156 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(132.767003, 92.077135)"><g><path d="M 16.238281 -4.699219 C 20.023438 -5.933594 22.878906 -8.046875 24.796875 -11.03125 C 26.71875 -14.019531 27.128906 -17.28125 25.964844 -20.859375 C 25.320312 -22.832031 24.375 -24.472656 23.246094 -25.757812 C 22.066406 -27.023438 20.777344 -27.902344 19.429688 -28.410156 C 18.03125 -28.898438 16.542969 -29.296875 15.054688 -29.523438 C 13.511719 -29.726562 12.003906 -29.8
 24219 10.585938 -29.835938 C 9.109375 -29.828125 7.726562 -29.90625 6.503906 -30.039062 C 5.242188 -30.101562 4.144531 -30.394531 3.261719 -30.933594 C 2.339844 -31.398438 1.742188 -32.148438 1.429688 -33.109375 C 1.03125 -34.335938 1.089844 -35.417969 1.734375 -36.339844 C 2.328125 -37.238281 3.289062 -37.90625 4.570312 -38.324219 C 6.917969 -39.089844 9.542969 -38.644531 12.320312 -37.011719 L 16.144531 -43.925781 C 14.09375 -45.148438 11.898438 -45.90625 9.433594 -46.226562 C 6.96875 -46.542969 4.554688 -46.347656 2.207031 -45.582031 C -1.207031 -44.46875 -3.8125 -42.5 -5.609375 -39.671875 C -7.402344 -36.84375 -7.691406 -33.5625 -6.507812 -29.933594 C -5.691406 -27.425781 -4.371094 -25.550781 -2.550781 -24.316406 C -0.714844 -23.023438 1.234375 -22.300781 3.308594 -22.09375 C 5.382812 -21.882812 7.476562 -21.796875 9.5 -21.75 C 11.523438 -21.699219 13.3125 -21.457031 14.875 -21.019531 C 16.449219 -20.53125 17.457031 -19.621094 17.890625 -18.285156 C 18.308594 -17.003906 18.10546
 9 -15.816406 17.386719 -14.757812 C 16.667969 -13.695312 15.441406 -12.941406 13.785156 -12.402344 C 11.917969 -11.792969 10.105469 -11.734375 8.40625 -12.242188 C 6.652344 -12.734375 5.167969 -13.667969 3.933594 -15.09375 L -1.46875 -8.671875 C 0.664062 -6.472656 3.28125 -4.964844 6.472656 -4.234375 C 9.679688 -3.449219 12.929688 -3.621094 16.238281 -4.699219 Z M 16.238281 -4.699219 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(156.065511, 83.425703)"><g><path d="M 30.800781 -19.625 L 27.226562 -19.265625 L 24.65625 -44.789062 L 13.9375 -43.707031 L -0.867188 -14.242188 L -0.328125 -8.878906 L 19.496094 -10.875 L 20.382812 -2.050781 L 28.871094 -2.90625 L 27.984375 -11.726562 L 31.558594 -12.085938 Z M 8.851562 -17.417969 L 17.019531 -35.5 L 18.738281 -18.414062 Z M 8.851562 -17.417969 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(182.488777, 78.94414)"><g><path d="M 29.144531 -19.773438 L 27.910156 -12.070312 L 36.058594 -10.
 765625 L 35.398438 -6.664062 C 32.574219 -4.273438 29.199219 -3.449219 25.210938 -4.089844 C 21.554688 -4.675781 18.753906 -6.375 16.707031 -9.203125 C 14.660156 -12.03125 13.9375 -15.332031 14.523438 -18.988281 C 15.109375 -22.644531 16.816406 -25.5 19.648438 -27.546875 C 22.476562 -29.59375 25.785156 -30.371094 29.441406 -29.785156 C 33.542969 -29.128906 36.617188 -27.042969 38.578125 -23.660156 L 46 -27.757812 C 44.449219 -30.507812 42.3125 -32.78125 39.660156 -34.683594 C 36.945312 -36.542969 34.015625 -37.75 30.800781 -38.265625 C 24.871094 -39.214844 19.488281 -37.917969 14.667969 -34.425781 C 9.84375 -30.9375 6.984375 -26.222656 6.046875 -20.347656 C 5.09375 -14.417969 6.335938 -9.046875 9.773438 -4.230469 C 13.207031 0.582031 17.921875 3.441406 23.851562 4.390625 C 28.339844 5.109375 32.09375 4.402344 35.105469 2.269531 L 35.355469 5.664062 L 41.898438 6.710938 L 45.714844 -17.117188 Z M 29.144531 -19.773438 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="tra
 nslate(220.126138, 85.729691)"><g/></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(229.663961, 88.967073)"><g/></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(237.519411, 90.045168)"><g><path d="M 52.570312 -14.003906 L 35.636719 9.492188 L 35.355469 -26.40625 L 28.070312 -31.65625 L 3.460938 2.492188 L 10.5625 7.613281 L 27.5625 -15.972656 L 27.730469 19.984375 L 35.015625 25.234375 L 59.625 -8.914062 Z M 52.570312 -14.003906 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(269.297179, 113.975816)"><g/></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(276.068524, 118.471389)"><g><path d="M 18.308594 28.332031 L 23.457031 36.296875 L 49.640625 -0.738281 L 44.3125 -8.988281 L -0.214844 -0.328125 L 4.933594 7.636719 L 13.414062 5.765625 L 23.496094 21.367188 Z M 21.082031 4.085938 L 39.449219 0.0351562 L 28.210938 15.117188 Z M 21.082031 4.085938 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transfo
 rm="translate(36.490063, 197.708385)"><g><path d="M 8.660156 0.195312 C 10.734375 0.195312 12.519531 -0.527344 13.988281 -2 C 15.457031 -3.46875 16.199219 -5.25 16.199219 -7.347656 C 16.199219 -9.421875 15.457031 -11.207031 13.988281 -12.675781 C 12.519531 -14.144531 10.734375 -14.886719 8.660156 -14.886719 C 6.5625 -14.886719 4.78125 -14.144531 3.3125 -12.675781 C 1.839844 -11.207031 1.117188 -9.421875 1.117188 -7.347656 C 1.117188 -5.25 1.839844 -3.46875 3.3125 -2 C 4.78125 -0.527344 6.5625 0.195312 8.660156 0.195312 Z M 8.660156 -2.039062 C 7.167969 -2.039062 5.917969 -2.546875 4.898438 -3.566406 C 3.859375 -4.585938 3.351562 -5.855469 3.351562 -7.347656 C 3.351562 -8.835938 3.859375 -10.089844 4.898438 -11.109375 C 5.917969 -12.125 7.167969 -12.65625 8.660156 -12.65625 C 10.148438 -12.65625 11.402344 -12.125 12.421875 -11.109375 C 13.4375 -10.089844 13.96875 -8.835938 13.96875 -7.347656 C 13.96875 -5.855469 13.4375 -4.585938 12.421875 -3.566406 C 11.402344 -2.546875 10.148438 -2
 .039062 8.660156 -2.039062 Z M 8.660156 -2.039062 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(53.805955, 197.708385)"><g><path d="M 8.855469 0.195312 C 9.875 0.195312 10.890625 -0.0195312 11.890625 -0.46875 C 12.871094 -0.902344 13.714844 -1.507812 14.398438 -2.253906 L 12.714844 -3.722656 C 11.65625 -2.585938 10.382812 -2.039062 8.855469 -2.039062 C 7.367188 -2.039062 6.09375 -2.546875 5.074219 -3.566406 C 4.054688 -4.585938 3.546875 -5.855469 3.546875 -7.347656 C 3.546875 -8.835938 4.054688 -10.089844 5.074219 -11.109375 C 6.09375 -12.125 7.367188 -12.65625 8.855469 -12.65625 C 10.402344 -12.65625 11.695312 -12.085938 12.714844 -10.96875 L 14.398438 -12.441406 C 13.714844 -13.183594 12.871094 -13.773438 11.890625 -14.222656 C 10.890625 -14.652344 9.875 -14.886719 8.855469 -14.886719 C 6.757812 -14.886719 4.976562 -14.144531 3.507812 -12.695312 C 2.039062 -11.226562 1.3125 -9.441406 1.3125 -7.347656 C 1.3125 -5.230469 2.039062 -3.449219 3.507812 -2 C 4
 .976562 -0.527344 6.757812 0.195312 8.855469 0.195312 Z M 8.855469 0.195312 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(68.869214, 197.708385)"><g><path d="M 10.265625 -14.691406 L 0.195312 -14.691406 L 0.195312 -12.578125 L 4.113281 -12.578125 L 4.113281 0 L 6.367188 0 L 6.367188 -12.578125 L 10.265625 -12.578125 Z M 10.265625 -14.691406 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(294.674719, 197.708385)"><g><path d="M 4.191406 -2.097656 C 4.269531 -2.175781 4.386719 -2.292969 4.542969 -2.46875 C 7.109375 -5.132812 8.71875 -6.914062 9.382812 -7.816406 C 10.03125 -8.71875 10.34375 -9.714844 10.324219 -10.8125 C 10.304688 -12.007812 9.875 -12.988281 9.03125 -13.753906 C 8.1875 -14.496094 7.148438 -14.886719 5.917969 -14.90625 C 4.585938 -14.90625 3.449219 -14.496094 2.546875 -13.652344 C 1.625 -12.8125 1.195312 -11.734375 1.273438 -10.441406 L 3.546875 -10.421875 C 3.507812 -11.148438 3.703125 -11.734375 4.132812 -12.164062 
 C 4.5625 -12.597656 5.113281 -12.8125 5.796875 -12.8125 C 6.425781 -12.792969 6.972656 -12.597656 7.40625 -12.222656 C 7.835938 -11.832031 8.050781 -11.285156 8.050781 -10.539062 C 8.050781 -9.835938 7.679688 -9.050781 6.972656 -8.148438 C 6.25 -7.25 4.269531 -5.09375 1.019531 -1.703125 L 1.019531 0 L 10.714844 0 L 10.714844 -2.097656 Z M 4.191406 -2.097656 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(306.349235, 197.708385)"><g><path d="M 6.289062 0.195312 C 7.855469 0.195312 9.148438 -0.488281 10.148438 -1.898438 C 11.148438 -3.3125 11.65625 -5.113281 11.65625 -7.347656 C 11.65625 -9.558594 11.148438 -11.363281 10.148438 -12.773438 C 9.148438 -14.183594 7.855469 -14.886719 6.289062 -14.886719 C 4.703125 -14.886719 3.410156 -14.183594 2.410156 -12.773438 C 1.410156 -11.363281 0.921875 -9.558594 0.921875 -7.347656 C 0.921875 -5.113281 1.410156 -3.3125 2.410156 -1.898438 C 3.410156 -0.488281 4.703125 0.195312 6.289062 0.195312 Z M 6.308594 -1.960938 C 5.3
 86719 -1.960938 4.625 -2.449219 4.035156 -3.46875 C 3.449219 -4.464844 3.152344 -5.757812 3.152344 -7.347656 C 3.152344 -8.914062 3.449219 -10.207031 4.035156 -11.226562 C 4.625 -12.222656 5.386719 -12.734375 6.308594 -12.734375 C 7.210938 -12.734375 7.953125 -12.222656 8.542969 -11.226562 C 9.128906 -10.207031 9.441406 -8.914062 9.441406 -7.347656 C 9.441406 -5.757812 9.128906 -4.464844 8.542969 -3.46875 C 7.953125 -2.449219 7.210938 -1.960938 6.308594 -1.960938 Z M 6.308594 -1.960938 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(318.924806, 197.708385)"><g><path d="M 4.191406 -2.097656 C 4.269531 -2.175781 4.386719 -2.292969 4.542969 -2.46875 C 7.109375 -5.132812 8.71875 -6.914062 9.382812 -7.816406 C 10.03125 -8.71875 10.34375 -9.714844 10.324219 -10.8125 C 10.304688 -12.007812 9.875 -12.988281 9.03125 -13.753906 C 8.1875 -14.496094 7.148438 -14.886719 5.917969 -14.90625 C 4.585938 -14.90625 3.449219 -14.496094 2.546875 -13.652344 C 1.625 -12.8125 1.19
 5312 -11.734375 1.273438 -10.441406 L 3.546875 -10.421875 C 3.507812 -11.148438 3.703125 -11.734375 4.132812 -12.164062 C 4.5625 -12.597656 5.113281 -12.8125 5.796875 -12.8125 C 6.425781 -12.792969 6.972656 -12.597656 7.40625 -12.222656 C 7.835938 -11.832031 8.050781 -11.285156 8.050781 -10.539062 C 8.050781 -9.835938 7.679688 -9.050781 6.972656 -8.148438 C 6.25 -7.25 4.269531 -5.09375 1.019531 -1.703125 L 1.019531 0 L 10.714844 0 L 10.714844 -2.097656 Z M 4.191406 -2.097656 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(330.599322, 197.708385)"><g><path d="M 8.128906 -8.1875 C 9.089844 -8.875 9.578125 -9.835938 9.578125 -11.046875 C 9.578125 -12.144531 9.1875 -13.046875 8.402344 -13.792969 C 7.621094 -14.515625 6.679688 -14.886719 5.542969 -14.886719 C 4.386719 -14.886719 3.429688 -14.515625 2.644531 -13.792969 C 1.859375 -13.066406 1.46875 -12.144531 1.46875 -11.046875 L 3.683594 -11.027344 C 3.683594 -11.519531 3.859375 -11.929688 4.210938 -12.261719 C 
 4.5625 -12.597656 5.015625 -12.773438 5.542969 -12.773438 C 6.09375 -12.773438 6.5625 -12.578125 6.953125 -12.222656 C 7.347656 -11.851562 7.542969 -11.402344 7.542969 -10.851562 C 7.542969 -10.285156 7.347656 -9.816406 6.953125 -9.421875 C 6.5625 -9.03125 6.074219 -8.835938 5.523438 -8.835938 L 4.308594 -8.835938 L 4.328125 -6.835938 L 5.660156 -6.835938 C 6.367188 -6.835938 6.972656 -6.621094 7.445312 -6.191406 C 7.914062 -5.757812 8.148438 -5.191406 8.148438 -4.503906 C 8.148438 -3.78125 7.894531 -3.171875 7.425781 -2.683594 C 6.933594 -2.175781 6.347656 -1.9375 5.640625 -1.9375 C 4.976562 -1.9375 4.40625 -2.136719 3.9375 -2.566406 C 3.46875 -2.996094 3.230469 -3.527344 3.230469 -4.152344 L 0.960938 -4.132812 C 0.960938 -2.898438 1.410156 -1.859375 2.3125 -1.039062 C 3.210938 -0.214844 4.328125 0.195312 5.640625 0.195312 C 6.972656 0.195312 8.089844 -0.234375 9.011719 -1.136719 C 9.914062 -2.039062 10.382812 -3.113281 10.382812 -4.40625 C 10.382812 -5.230469 10.167969 -5.957031 9
 .773438 -6.621094 C 9.363281 -7.289062 8.816406 -7.796875 8.128906 -8.1875 Z M 8.128906 -8.1875 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#fedf12" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(35.712268, 241.733539)"><g><path d="M 32.449219 13.332031 C 35.585938 15.152344 38.917969 15.070312 42.390625 12.984375 C 45.394531 11.183594 47.148438 8.789062 47.75 5.746094 C 48.300781 2.734375 47.671875 -0.335938 45.871094 -3.339844 L 37.335938 -17.558594 L 2.140625 3.566406 L 11.746094 19.570312 C 13.546875 22.570312 15.855469 24.503906 18.730469 25.460938 C 21.601562 26.417969 24.539062 25.996094 27.542969 24.195312 C 31.71875 21.6875 33.351562 18.027344 32.449219 13.332031 Z M 37.273438 6.160156 C 36.148438 6.835938 34.957031 6.980469 33.679688 6.660156 C 32.402344 6.339844 31.464844 5.628906 30.789062 4.5 L 27.152344 -1.550781 L 35.179688 -6.367188 L 38.8125 -0.316406 C 39.488281 0.8125 39.628906 2.003906 39.355469 3.25 C 39.085938 4.5 38.398438 5.484375 37.273438 6.160156 Z M 17.621094 14.574219 L 13.027344
  6.925781 L 21.054688 2.109375 L 25.644531 9.757812 C 26.320312 10.882812 26.488281 12.125 26.171875 13.398438 C 25.851562 14.675781 25.167969 15.664062 24.085938 16.308594 C 22.960938 16.984375 21.769531 17.125 20.539062 16.78125 C 19.261719 16.460938 18.296875 15.699219 17.621094 14.574219 Z M 17.621094 14.574219 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#fedf12" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(56.817525, 276.548887)"><g><path d="M 23.664062 22.84375 L 30.320312 29.269531 L 46.976562 -11.703125 L 40.085938 -18.355469 L -0.277344 -0.265625 L 6.378906 6.15625 L 14.015625 2.5 L 27.050781 15.082031 Z M 20.925781 -0.792969 L 37.46875 -8.710938 L 30.140625 8.101562 Z M 20.925781 -0.792969 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#fedf12" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(89.560003, 306.556287)"><g><path d="M 14.800781 0.0390625 L 32.0625 -28.601562 L 24.75 -33.011719 L 3.5625 2.148438 L 22.6875 13.671875 L 26.613281 7.15625 Z M 14.800781 0.0390625 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#fedf12" fill-opacity="1"><g trans
 form="translate(113.872671, 321.228644)"><g><path d="M 42.402344 -27.984375 L 14.871094 -38.265625 L 12.210938 -31.136719 L 22.003906 -27.480469 L 10.304688 3.847656 L 18.253906 6.816406 L 29.949219 -24.511719 L 39.742188 -20.855469 Z M 42.402344 -27.984375 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#fedf12" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(143.226839, 331.538606)"><g/></g></g><g fill="#fedf12" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(156.974726, 334.642178)"><g><path d="M 4.457031 0.539062 L 12.929688 1.566406 L 17.867188 -39.183594 L 9.390625 -40.210938 Z M 4.457031 0.539062 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#fedf12" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(173.844516, 336.639488)"><g/></g></g><g fill="#fedf12" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(191.272824, 338.926488)"><g><path d="M 31.109375 -48.097656 L 22.476562 -23.203125 L 5.027344 -42.871094 L -3.988281 -41.066406 L 4.078125 -0.816406 L 12.449219 -2.496094 L 7.039062 -29.488281 L 25.457031 -8.339844 L 34.421875 -34.917969 L 39.820312 -7.9
 80469 L 48.136719 -9.644531 L 40.070312 -49.894531 Z M 31.109375 -48.097656 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#fedf12" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(248.745255, 325.911877)"><g><path d="M 20.664062 -11.722656 C 25.644531 -14.699219 28.878906 -18.996094 30.296875 -24.625 C 31.710938 -30.253906 30.941406 -35.597656 27.933594 -40.621094 C 24.957031 -45.601562 20.613281 -48.808594 14.984375 -50.222656 C 9.355469 -51.640625 4.011719 -50.867188 -0.964844 -47.890625 C -5.992188 -44.882812 -9.199219 -40.542969 -10.613281 -34.914062 C -12.03125 -29.28125 -11.210938 -23.96875 -8.234375 -18.992188 C -5.226562 -13.964844 -0.933594 -10.730469 4.695312 -9.3125 C 10.328125 -7.898438 15.640625 -8.71875 20.664062 -11.722656 Z M 16.367188 -18.910156 C 13.269531 -17.054688 10.066406 -16.542969 6.734375 -17.421875 C 3.386719 -18.222656 0.808594 -20.1875 -1.046875 -23.289062 C -2.875 -26.339844 -3.386719 -29.542969 -2.535156 -32.921875 C -1.703125 -36.222656 0.230469 -38.847656 3.332031 -40.703125 C 6.
 386719 -42.53125 9.613281 -42.996094 12.964844 -42.191406 C 16.296875 -41.3125 18.921875 -39.378906 20.746094 -36.324219 C 22.601562 -33.222656 23.066406 -29.996094 22.234375 -26.691406 C 21.386719 -23.3125 19.421875 -20.734375 16.367188 -18.910156 Z M 16.367188 -18.910156 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#fedf12" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(292.309555, 298.281914)"><g><path d="M 4.558594 -29.941406 C 5.757812 -32.191406 6.09375 -34.640625 5.65625 -37.21875 C 5.214844 -39.800781 3.972656 -42.078125 1.933594 -43.980469 C -0.632812 -46.371094 -3.613281 -47.503906 -6.941406 -47.464844 C -10.308594 -47.382812 -13.167969 -46.082031 -15.519531 -43.558594 L -27.195312 -31.027344 L 2.835938 -3.042969 L 8.65625 -9.289062 L -3.195312 -20.332031 L -0.546875 -23.175781 L 18.246094 -19.582031 L 24.960938 -26.789062 Z M -3.324219 -30.550781 L -8.363281 -25.148438 L -15.808594 -32.085938 L -10.773438 -37.492188 C -9.765625 -38.574219 -8.546875 -39.160156 -7.15625 -39.207031 C -5.761719 -39.257
 812 -4.546875 -38.796875 -3.503906 -37.828125 C -2.421875 -36.820312 -1.878906 -35.636719 -1.828125 -34.246094 C -1.78125 -32.851562 -2.316406 -31.632812 -3.324219 -30.550781 Z M -3.324219 -30.550781 "/></g></g></g><g fill="#fedf12" fill-opacity="1"><g transform="translate(318.724614, 269.102438)"><g><path d="M -14.160156 -42.480469 L -20.703125 -46.253906 L -33.3125 -24.402344 L 2.242188 -3.886719 L 14.851562 -25.742188 L 8.308594 -29.515625 L -0.03125 -15.058594 L -7.996094 -19.652344 L -0.804688 -32.121094 L -7.34375 -35.894531 L -14.539062 -23.425781 L -22.503906 -28.023438 Z M -14.160156 -42.480469 "/></g></g></g></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/community/events/2023-foss4g-na/index.md b/content/community/events/2023-foss4g-na/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe4141f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/community/events/2023-foss4g-na/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+title: "FOSS4G 2023 North America"
+date: "2023-05-01"
+eventDates: "2023-10-23 to 2023-10-25"
+expiryDate: "2023-10-26"
+tags: ["FOSS4G"]
+eventLink: "https://foss4gna.org/"
+location: "Baltimore, Maryland, USA"
+image: "foss4g2023na-logo.png"
+geekdocHidden: true
+Join the community of data engineers, developers, managers, analysts, and all who love the location in Baltimore to learn, share, and break bread. This in-person event brings back the human relationships and opportunities of geospatial technology.
+## What to Expect
+The aim of the conference is twofold: the exchange of information and experiences between users of geographic data and free and open source software for processing geographic information, and the possibility for new or potential users to discover the functionality of these systems and the availability of data, and to meet developers and experienced users.
diff --git a/content/community/events/2023-pgcon/index.md b/content/community/events/2023-pgcon/index.md
index af071ad..71c1b05 100644
--- a/content/community/events/2023-pgcon/index.md
+++ b/content/community/events/2023-pgcon/index.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ eventDates: "2023-05-30 to 2023-06-02"
 expiryDate: "2023-06-03"
 tags: ["PgCon"]
 eventLink: "https://www.pgcon.org/2023/"
-location: "Ottawa, Ontario"
+location: "Ottawa, Canada"
 image: "pgcon-logo.png"
 geekdocHidden: true
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ PGCon is a great conference for PostGIS users because it provides a platform for
-[PGCon](https://www.pgcon.org/) is the place to meet, discuss, build relationships, learn valuable insights, and generally chat about the work you are doing with PostgreSQL. If you want to learn why so many people are moving to PostgreSQL, PGCon will be the place to find out why. Whether you are a casual user or you've been working with PostgreSQL for years, PGCon will have something for you.
\ No newline at end of file
+[PGCon](https://www.pgcon.org/) is the place to meet, discuss, build relationships, learn valuable insights, and generally chat about the work you are doing with PostgreSQL. If you want to learn why so many people are moving to PostgreSQL, PGCon will be the place to find out why. Whether you are a casual user or you've been working with PostgreSQL for years, PGCon will have something for you.
diff --git a/layouts/_default/events.html b/layouts/_default/events.html
index 00e6575..4797ab6 100644
--- a/layouts/_default/events.html
+++ b/layouts/_default/events.html
@@ -6,12 +6,14 @@
 {{ partial "utils/content" . }}
-{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
+{{ range (sort .Pages ".Params.expiryDate" "asc") }}
 <div class="postgis_event">
   <h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
   {{ if .Params.Image }}
+  {{ with .Params.eventLink }}<a href="{{ . }}">{{ end }}
     <img class="postgis_event_logo" src="{{ .Permalink }}/{{ .Params.Image }}" style="float:right" />
+  {{ with .Params.eventLink }}</a>{{ end }}
   {{ end }}


Summary of changes:
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 .../events/2023-foss4g-na/foss4g2023na-logo.png      | Bin 0 -> 22740 bytes
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 create mode 100644 content/community/events/2023-foss4g-na/index.md


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