[postgis-users] spatial reference system questions

Steffen Koehler skoehler at buschjena.de
Wed Oct 8 07:01:23 PDT 2003


I have installed postgis 0.8, proj 4.4.7 and mapserver 4.0
And I have data from germany with the following esri-prj description

I found this in the postgis spatial_ref_sys table as EPSG:31493. But in the 
proj-files there is no EPSG:31493, I must use the ESRI:31493 entry to show 
this data correct with mapserver.
Where is the mistake? Is the spatial_ref_sys-table false or the proj-files.

Can UMN-Mapserver use the entry from spatial_ref_sys for displaying data. 
If this not so, how can I create dynamic maps with different layers from 
postgis with the correct projection.


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