[postgis-users] Dissolve obsolete polygon borders

strk strk at keybit.net
Wed Oct 15 06:58:07 PDT 2003

Try this:

        sfunc = GeomUnion,
        basetype = geometry,
        stype = geometry
); -- this creates an aggregate out of GEOS's geomunion()

-- and this is your query 
SELECT your_attribute, unite(the_geom)
	FROM your_table
	GROUP BY your_attribute;

Note that GEOS cvs version is pretty memory absorbing (actually leaking)
and probably also buggy. Please let me know whether it worked for you.


Horst.Duester wrote:
> Is there a way to dissolve obsolete borders between polygons with equal
> attributes??
> I will appreciate your hints.
> Horst
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