[postgis-users] more datatypes

Hubert Fröhlich hubert.froehlich at bvv.bayern.de
Thu Oct 30 07:07:39 PST 2003


I am using PostGIS functionalities especially on types LINE and 

According to OGC Simple Features for SQL definition, POLYGONS ans 
MULTIPOLYGONS have always lines. No curves (e.g. gml:Arc) are supported. 
The CURVE, SURFACE datatypes are not instantiable.

However ,I am also dealing with surfaces which have both lines and 
circular segments, in GML defined as Arc. So things become complicated 
as I need to deal also with these surfaces.

Is there a possibility to deal with arcs or circular segments in PostGIS 
although SimpleFeatures does not supprot that?


Hubert Fröhlich
Dr.-Ing. Hubert Fröhlich			
Bezirksfinanzdirektion München 			
Alexandrastr. 3, D-80538 München, GERMANY
Tel. :+49 (0)89 / 2190 - 2980
Fax  :+49 (0)89 / 2190 - 2459
hubert.froehlich at bvv.bayern.de

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