[postgis-users] Can you tell me, which GIS tools I can use to edit spatail data freely through PostGIS?

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Wed Apr 28 08:52:07 PDT 2004

Many folks edit in a separate program and then "convert" the data into 
PostGIS.   OpenEV ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/gdal/openev/ can create and 
edit shape files.  Then you can use the PostGIS tool shp2pgsql to put the 
shapefile into the database.

postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net wrote on 04/27/2004 08:44:46 

> Hi All:
>          I want to use PostGIS,But I can not find a good tools to 
> edit Spatial Data in PostgreSQL.
>          Can you tell me where I can download such tools?I wish it 
> is writen in VC for I think the tool writen by VC is used efficently
> to edit data!
>           Thanks
>           my mail is :xbfan at ruc.edu.cn
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