[postgis-users] Large (and slow) Intersection

James McEachern jamesm at threetier.com
Fri Aug 27 11:31:01 PDT 2004

Hi Paul,

Exactly. Why isn't he running that.  Doh!

That works perfectly. Your right. Extremely fast!

Of course we wandered off the map when I starting trying to
put a 1 km buffer around  each land polygon, to find the points close by as

And my points and land are in the database are in NAD27 lat/lon format,
so I though just do a TRANSFORM(BUFFER(TRANSFORM(polys.the_geom, 26711),
1000), 4326)
to put a 1000 m buffer on each polygon, so I could compare this to the 
lat/lon points.

And my new SQL is 

select points.the_geom
from points, polys
   points.the_geom && TRANSFORM(BUFFER(TRANSFORM(polys.the_geom, 26711),
1000), 4326)
   polys.keyfield = 'KEYVALUE'
   within(points.the_geom, TRANSFORM(BUFFER(TRANSFORM(polys.the_geom,
26711), 1000), 4326))

Well, even for small polygon lists this never returns.
But if I do this:

select points.the_geom
from points, polys
  points.the_geom && (
      TRANSFORM(BUFFER(TRANSFORM(GEOMUNION(the_geom), 26711), 100), 4326)
      keyfield = 'KEYVALUE') 
    keyfield = 'KEYVALUE' 
26711), 100), 4326))

THis will return results for small and closely related buffers polygons.
But if the polygons are very far apart, then the point search is tooo slow.

Is this the proper method of adding a 1km buffer to a lat/lon polygon?



-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 11:06 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Large (and slow) Intersection

I don't understand why you are not using the simple SQL for this

select points.the_geom
from points, polys
   points.the_geom && polys.the_geom
   polys.keyfield = 'KEYVALUE'

Make sure you have USE_STATS turned on and have run select
update_geometry_stats(), (or if you are in 8.0 land, have simply run vacuum
analyze (i love that)).

On Friday, August 27, 2004, at 08:39 AM, James McEachern wrote:

> We have the GIST index, and use a statement just like this for each 
> individual polygon.
> Our problem is that there are hundreds of polygons, and we would like 
> to get a result with one statement. These polygons could be in the 
> four outer corners (but still very small in area), which causes the 
> the envelope to be large.
> An example of the statement
> SELECT points.the_geom
> 	FROM points
> 	WHERE points.the_geom &&
>        (SELECT geomunion(polys.the_geom) from polys
>        somekeyfield = "KEYVALUE')
> 	AND withing(points.the_geom,
>        (SELECT geomunion(polys.the_geom) from polys
>        somekeyfield = "KEYVALUE'));
> Now this works when the polygons are close together geographically, 
> but when they are wildly spaced over the whole area, the && condition 
> really returns all of the points.
> The obvious solution is to first to first select all of the individual 
> polys (no union), and then iteratively call your SELECT for each 
> polygon returned.
> SELECT polys.the_geom from polys WHERE somekeyfield = "KEYVALUE';
> foreach (poly in polyresult)
> {
>   SELECT points.the_geom
>     FROM points
>     WHERE points.the_geom && poly
>     AND withing(points.the_geom, poly);
>   // keep track of the results of each iteration }
> This gives the result quickly, but is more complex and more hits 
> against the database.
> thanks,
> jamesm
> -----Original Message-----
> From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of 
> strk at refractions.net
> Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 2:17 AM
> To: PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Large (and slow) Intersection
> I did not understand your problem, does this query do what you need ?
> SELECT points.the_geom
> 	FROM points, polys
> 	WHERE points.the_geom && polys.the_geom
> 	AND withing(points.the_geom, polys.the_geom);
> --strk;
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 01:20:29AM -0600, James McEachern wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We are trying to locate point objects that fall within polygon 
>> objects.
>> Our data points are spread out over a large area, and the polygons 
>> used to locate may be spread over an equally large area, but only 
>> would have a very small coverage (< 1% of total area)
>> There are ~500K point objects, and upwards of 1000 polygons.
>> Of course if we union the polygons together, the resulting envelope 
>> used for the && operation basically gets all of the points.
>> And this would run for ever.
>> By doing the query on any single polygon with the && and 
>> intersection, we get the correct result very fast, therefore running 
>> it for 1000 polygons, it would take around ~1000 seconds. Quite
>> I have seen previous posts regarding this problem/solution, and they 
>> used an iterative solution, to walk over the polygon result set (in
>> code) doing each && intersection independently and summing (actually
>> unioning) the results. Creating a stored proc looks like one solution.
>> I am looking for a correlated sub-query (or something) to get the 
>> result.
>> Does anyone know if a single (correlated) query is possible?
>> Thanks,
>> James S McEachern
>> Geo Webworks Inc.
>> 2020, 801 6 Avenue SW
>> Calgary, Alberta
>> T2P 3W2
>> 403-301-4001
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