[postgis-users] psql -d mydb -f file.sql error

Kenny Chamber kenny at gem-hs.org
Wed Dec 15 20:40:10 PST 2004

I tried to dump data into a new table with shp2pgsql function but when i
try psql -f (the_new_file.sql), it gives this error:
ERROR:  couldnt parse objects in GEOMETRY
abort etc, etc,
Source data is a  shape file from arcview  of Italian faults; there are
about 1000 segments and shuld be in UTM zone 32
Previously I've been able to upload postgis.sql and spatial_ref_sys and
test it creating a  new gtest table as the docs example.
The shp2pgsql  function returned a file faults.sql that seems ok!

Kenny Chamber

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