[postgis-users] Who is Using PostGIS?

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Sun Mar 7 21:49:29 PST 2004

> It is pretty arcane, although as some of the GUI/GIS front ends 
> mature, this
> becomes less relevant. I guess this would be a good place for a wish 
> list :-)

Arcane is hard to help.  Someone I was talking with recently raised the 
idea of a "geospatial SQL cookbook", basically a list of answers to the 
kinds of questions people usually ask with GIS tools translated to 
spatial SQL. Seemed like a good idea.

>   binary installations, packaged with Postgres, GEOS, * poss summat 
> like QGIS,
>      etc for major distributions like RedHat & Mandrake

Already there! http://postgis.refractions.net/rpms ! :)

> But generally very positive, great product, keep up the good work, 
> your efforts
> are appreciated.

Thanks! Paul

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