[postgis-users] Loading data

Brent Wood pcreso at pcreso.com
Fri Apr 1 22:24:07 PST 2005

--- Robert Aldridge <bamarob55 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello list,
> I'm attempting to load two (rural) counties' TIGER
> roads into PostGIS using
> shp2pgsql county_1_roads myschema.roads > roads_1.sql
> shp2pgsql county_2_roads myschema.roads > roads_2.sql

How did you combine them?

The large count for the error char suggests a possible EOL error. Have you
mixed Windows/DOS files & UNIX files? 

As an alternative approach, it may be worth loading roads_1.sql into a table to
make sure that works OK, then load roads_2 into a separate table to check that
is OK.

(update any common key in table2 to itself + max key from table1 & you could
insert the table 2 data into table1 & then drop table2)

You can also use the -a option for shp2pgsql for roads2 to have an sql written
which will append the roads2 data to the roads1 table when you run the sql.

  Brent Wood

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