[postgis-users] asSVG ignores negative coordinates

Jon Saints saintsjd at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 11 09:23:16 PDT 2005

When using data from the southern hemisphere in
WGS:4326 projection, It seems that the asSVG function
incorrectly ignores negative values for coordinates. 
The asText function returns the negative coordinates
as I would expect.

Is this a bug or something in the SVG specification
that I dont know about? I am using postgis version
1.0.2 on postgresql 8.0

Here are my tests
asText() Query: 
select asTEXT(Extent(the_geom)) from province2000_proj
where provname='BALI' group by provname;

-8.84896850585938,114.431594848633 -8.84896850585938))

asSVG query:
select asSVG(Extent(the_geom)) from province2000_proj
where provname='BALI' group by provname;

 M 114.431594848632812 8.848968505859375
114.431594848632812 8.061722755432129
115.712547302246094 8.061722755432129
115.712547302246094 8.848968505859375
114.431594848632812 8.848968505859375


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