[postgis-users] importing 3d shapefiles

strk at refractions.net strk at refractions.net
Wed Dec 28 07:20:20 PST 2005

On Mon, Dec 26, 2005 at 12:51:46AM -0800, Mark Wright wrote:
> I imported a 2d roads shapefile into Grass and converted it to 3d
> lines with v.drape. Then I exported it as a shapefile and tried to
> import it into postgres using shp2pgsql but it was forced into a 2d
> multilinestring rather than 3d. Any tips on getting all 3 dimentions
> into postgres?

shp2pgsql shipped from version 1.0 up should use all of
Shapefile-defined dimensions. If this is not the
case I'd call it a bug. You can invoke shp2pgsql w/out args
to see the RCSID of it, which can then be mapped to a release
(not that easy, but let us know and we'll tell you)


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