[postgis-users] Vacuum analyse ERROR: Operation on two GEOMETRIES with different SRIDs

Sergey Karin sergey.karin at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 01:31:45 PDT 2005


ogc1=# select postgis_full_version();
 POSTGIS="0.9.0" GEOS="2.0.1" PROJ="Rel. 4.4.8, 3 May 2004" USE_STATS
DBPROC="0.0.1" RELPROC="0.0.1"

ogc1=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 7.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3

I use postgis as writen above.
I have some layers in database. Some of them are very large, some -
very small. All layers used different SRIDs.

ogc1=# select count(*) from geometry_columns ;

And a try to execute VACUUM ANALYSE.
ogc1=# vacuum analyse;
ERROR:  Operation on two GEOMETRIES with different SRIDs

Why a got an error? 

And I note that on large databases (but I suggested that my database
not large!) work speed is very slow. Even on small layers.
May be there are any recommendations for work with large databases?

thanks in advance.
Sergey Karin

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