[postgis-users] postgis on win2003]

DANIEL JAIMES djaimes at corponor.gov.co
Mon Jun 20 13:04:14 PDT 2005

Hola Jaime,

Efectivamente, tengo la libreria en d:/postgres/lib/postgis.dll

Jaime Carrera escribió:

>Hola Daniel,
>Do you have the dll file on that location? (e.g.
> --- DANIEL JAIMES <djaimes at corponor.gov.co> escribió:
>>I have postgres 8 on windows 2003 and  download
>>postgis but  when  
>>execute  in commands of windows
>>d:\ psql -u user -d dbgis -f postgis.sql 
>>error could not loader
>>DANIEL JAIMES escribió:
>>>tengo postgres 8.0 sobre windows 2003, y descargué
>>postgis. perocuando 
>>>voy a tratar de generar una base de datos que
>>acepte datos geometricos 
>>>me genera el error " could not loader
>>>que debo hacer????????
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