[postgis-users] Input on upgrade to GIS database

Dylan Keon dbkeon.ml at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 14:32:27 PST 2005

On 11/17/2005 02:06 PM, Onyx wrote:
> Daniel Faivre, Jeremy Sears, Darren Houston, thank you for your input.  OK,
> so, with your help, I have been able to bring up _most_ of our data
> successfully in the new database.  But, I am having problems with the data
> contained within the tables of type PostGIS geometry.
> Originally, the table contained something like:
> SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((-105.499999977881 40.5 0,-105.499999977881
> 40.9999999185093 0,-105.000000006985 40.9999999185093 0,-105.000000006985
> 40.5 0,-105.249999999884 40.5 0,-105.499999977881 40.5 0)))
> Now, after the upgrade and xfer of data, the table contains:
> 01060000A0E61000000100000001030000800100000006000000FA3FE8FFFF5F5AC000000000
> 004044400000000000000000FA3FE8FFFF5F5AC0040051FFFF7F444000000000000000000680
> 070000405AC0040051FFFF7F444000000000000000000680070000405AC00000000000404440
> 00000000000000001DE0FFFFFF4F5AC000000000004044400000000000000000FA3FE8FFFF5F
> 5AC000000000004044400000000000000000
> Any ideas why and how to fix?

Isn't this just due to the newer versions of PostGIS storing lightweight 
geometries?  Try querying out your geometries in well-known text using 

SELECT AsText(the_geom) FROM foo WHERE id = 123;


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