[postgis-users] error in geometry operations

Michael Fuhr mike at fuhr.org
Sun Aug 20 19:24:24 PDT 2006

On Sun, Aug 20, 2006 at 09:06:08PM -0500, P Kishor wrote:
> > The points table churned away for an hour and a half and
> > successfully seems to have Transformed... but who knows,
> > maybe it dint.
> # SELECT Extent(the_geom) FROM polys
> "BOX(-6334962 -1864800.25,3377040.25 1407308.125)"
> # SELECT Extent(the_geom) FROM points
> "BOX(-9914299 4535597.5,-4712810 13894887)"
> It sure dint. Both should be about the same, and both should cover the
> US, Alaska, HI, and Puerto Rico. The polys seem correct, but coord
> pairs for the points extent is whacky.

Are you sure you committed the transaction that did the Transform?
If you look at the points themselves (as opposed to using Extent),
do they look transformed?

Michael Fuhr

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